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This is my first book, I have been meaning to write this story for sometime, the storyline keeps going inside my head again and again and I thought I might as well let it all out.

I do not mind constructive criticism, what I mind is people with no sense of writing or thoughts mindlessly giving their opinions. You can share your thoughts, do not share hate.

To all the people who are going to get offended: Yes, your opinions matter but not to me.

Do not copy the book and it's content. You have a mind and imagination of your own, use it to create something original.

Yes, Elias is a little cold. No, he won't be abusing his mate. Yes, the female character is strong. No, she won't become weak and whiny as the story progresses. If you're interested in books such as those, you are welcomed to click away.
Don't get me wrong here, there are books which portray a lead is soft while the male lead is strong well. I'm also a human and a fan of those clichés.
But there are some which take it to a whole another level and that's not what I stand for.

I guess that's all? I haven't decided on the name of the book yet, I think i'll change it as the story progresses. If you have any suggestions, you can comment or message them to me. They will be appreciated. *Already changed*

Thank you very much for spending your time to read this. I hope the story will be worth it and that you'll enjoy reading it as much as i'll enjoy writing it.

*Contains Mature Content*


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