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it has been 3 weeks ever since i went on the date with jimin. and today, i finally submitted my art project. i got complimented by my art teacher. she told me that it was way better than my previous one.

but then again, everything was thanks to jimin. talking about jimin, i was trying so hard not to blush around him and things. but damn did i fail miserably. every time he got closer to me, i could literally feel my heart about to pound out.

i went to work, feeling relaxed as ever. jimin greeted me with a wide smile. "finally handed it up?" he asked and i nodded happily, putting my bag down.

then he skipped towards me, placing his hands on my shoulders, massaging it. "do you know what does this means?" he asked, which made me confused. "what?" i asked but he replied by playing with my hair. which made my stomach feel butterflies.

"y-yah." i blushed, quickly looking away from him. "you're gonna colour your hair right?" he asked. my eyes widened. right.. "n-no." i let out a low chuckle. then he pouted in response. no god no. stop using aegyo on me!

"but you promised me." he said, poking my right cheek. i slapped his finger away lightly. he pouted and placed his arms around my waist. basically, we were back-hugging right now.

"since when did i promise you?" i frowned slightly. "okay maybe you didn't promise me. but you said that you would do it!" he said, pointing to my face. gosh, he's acting like a child. but i love it.

"say yes please~" he whined. which was pretty cute. "o-okay." "yay!" he did a small victory dance.

"let's do it tomorrow." he grinned sheepishly. "wh-what?" it seems too soon for me. "don't we have work tomorrow?" i tried to think of an excuse. "there's no work tomorrow, pabo-yah." i knew that.

then he continued begging me. which eventually i gave in to.


"welcome to xxx salon!" the employee bowed. i bowed back slightly. then jimin grabbed my sweaty hands to one of the empty seats. it has been sweating ever since we were on the way here. i was nervous as heck for some reasons.

"oh hey jimin!" a guy with boxy smile did a friendly handshake with jimin. "you here to do your hair again?" the guy asked, looking at jimin's hair.

then jimin shook his head. "it's for her." he said, pointing at me. "ahh. hi." i bowed awkwardly. "ooh~ jiminie! new girl eh?" the guy nudged, which made me blush. "n-no." for some reasons, his reply made my heart shatter.

"anyways! this is jihye, and this is taehyung." jimin introduced. as i smiled at the guy 'taehyung' awkwardly. while he was smiling to me beautifully. how does one even smile so beautifully.

"anyways, do whatever you want with her. make her even more beautiful!" jimin smiled. "arraso!" taehyung said, bending towards my level.

after a few minutes of observing my features. which made me feel really uncomfortable. he finally spoke. "i know just the colour for you."

"great!" jimin clapped happily. then he came towards me. "jihye-ah. i'm gonna leave for a while. i have something important to do." wait what? he's gonna leave me alone here?! oh my god.

"i'll be back in like an hour or so." he smiled. i nodded and he left.

then i looked up at taehyung. to see him smiling at me sheepishly. oh god. i shouldn't have let jimin leave.

"jimin's a great guy." taehyung said, breaking the silence. i just nodded awkwardly. "i'm gonna start now. you're gonna be so surprised." he said confidently. well, i'm scared now.

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