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-jimin's pov-

i adverted my attention to the man in front of me. this must be her father that owed the loan sharks debts, huh? this is the man that hurt her.

i felt my blood boiling when i thought of him hurting jihye. i clenched my fists together and stared at him.

"fathers like you don't deserve to have a kind daughter like her." i said, only for him to punch me in the face. i smirked, looking at him. oh, it's on.

i don't plan on getting too physical with him, since i didn't want jihye to see her father getting hurt. i'm sure she won't like it.

then he raised his fist, ready to punch me. having quick reflexes, i grabbed his fist even before he could hit me. then i placed my free hand on his forearm and flipped him over.

but he was smart enough to grab me along with him. at first i was on top of him, but he flipped our position. then he gave me a few punches across my face. but of course i wasn't going to give up.

who knows if i gave up, he may hit jihye all he likes? and i wouldn't want that to happen. never again.

i then kneed him in the stomach and pushed him away from me and quickly got up. but little did i know, the woman got a pan from the kitchen and hit me at the back of my head.

"jimin!" jihye cried, running to me. "jimin, are you okay?" i looked up at her to see her eyes teary. i gave her a weak smile. "don't worry, i'll protect you." with that, i got up, and grabbed the pan away from the woman.

while doing so, i quickly stepped on her father's stomach, just so he couldn't stand. he groaned in pain each time i used my insoles, twisting and turning just so he could feel the pain.

"yah. if you don't have the money to pay for the debts, then why ask them for money? shouldn't you be responsible enough to earn your own money?" i asked furiously.

then i turned my attention to the two woman. "and the two of you! why are you being puppets under him? and from what i see you're both older than jihye, why are you making her work?! don't you have a sense of responsibility in you?!" i raised my voice.

then i heard the cops outside the bookstore. i smirked and threw the pan away. "the cops are here. what are you gonna do? run?" i kicked her father's stomach for the last time and made my way to jihye, who was shaking in fear.

i hugged her tightly as the cops took the three of them away. "you're fine.. we're fine.. everything's gonna be okay.." i reassured her, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"i'm sorry but you have to come to the police station with us." one of the officers said politely. "okay. please wait for a while more." i said politely. with that, the officer left us, waiting outside.

"let's go." i whispered, holding jihye up. she's so weak right now. "can you walk?" i asked her worriedly. she just nod, not saying anything.

-jihye's pov-

i just finished the interrogation. i walked out of the room, blank-minded. are they finally gonna leave me alone? do i not have to pay anything now?

there were many questions on my mind. but i just couldn't bring myself to ask them.

"jihye-ah!" jimin ran towards me, grabbing onto my shoulders. "are you okay?" he asked me worriedly, but i just gave him a glare. i was low-key mad with him but i don't know why. i mean it was my fault that my family got arrested, not him. so why am i mad?

"c-can we head b-back now?" i asked quietly. "oh. okay." then we went out of the station and flagged for a cab.

after a while, we arrived home. i felt shitty as ever. was that it? is everything gonna be okay now?

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