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after that day, jimin has always been around me. whenever he finished school, he would make his way to my school as soon as possible. just to walk me to work. even though it would be faster for him to go to work by himself. 

until today.. yoongi texted me, saying that he's going to pick me up from school. he needed me to be at his house after school. for god-knows-what reason. 

since i couldn't do anything about, or else i'll get beaten up. i just agreed with him. 

it was the last 5 minutes. i totally forgotten about jimin picking me up, since i was thinking of yoongi. until he texted me. 


hey. i'm on the way to your school right now (:

oh shoot. no no no. he can't come!! i panicked and i quickly gave a reply.


i don't think today will be a good idea. haha.


why not? ):


sorry i can't tell you rn. maybe some other times.


too late. i'm already outside. 

read 2:29pm

oh fuck. maybe i should hide jimin away from yoongi. 

soon, the bell rang. i quickly ran out of class, towards the gate, to tell jimin to go first. but what's to my horror, is that i saw the both of them, standing outside. waiting for me.

"shit.. what do i do.." i cussed under my breath. think jihye, think. i was about to hide behind a tree before they could see me. but to my 'luck'.. 

"hey jihye!" jimin exclaimed, waving at me innocently. i face-palmed myself. why do God have to do this to me.. 

yoongi frowned at my name, looking up to see me. my eyes widened. jimin, fuck. being the dumb jimin, he walked towards me and helped me carry my art stuffs. "let's go?" he said, taking his steps. while i just stood there frozen, staring at yoongi, while he was glaring at me. i'm gonna die today.

i knew yoongi wasn't gonna just stand there. so being the yoongi he is, he made his way towards jimin, and punched him in the face. "what the fuck?!" jimin yelled. that was the first time i ever hear him cuss. 

"who the fuck are you? and why are you with my girlfriend?" yoongi asked through gritted teeth. jimin scoffed. "oh. so you're saying that she's your girlfriend? i'm sorry the last time i remember the term 'couple' is when the two of them truly love each other." 

before jimin could say anything more. i quickly cover his mouth. "jimin, leave." i said sternly. "but-" "leave." "will you be fine?" "i will be fine. now leave." i pointed towards the gates. he sighed as he walked away. 

i looked at yoongi, afraid. "you're not getting out of my house alive." he said and dragged me towards his car. as i winced in pain. 

after a few minutes, we arrived at his apartment. he unlocked the door and threw me in.

"who the fuck was that guy?" he breathed heavily. i shook my head, not replying. i didn't want him to hurt jimin. "i'll ask you again. WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" he screamed, throwing the lamp which was beside him, across the room. 

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