Chapter Twenty Five (Finale)

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The next day, I was woken up by my alarm. We had to get up rather early to head to the airport but I was snuggling with Jimin and it was warm so I didn't want to get up.

I shut my alarm off and sighed.
"Jimin..." I mumbled and poked him a little to wake him up.
"Hmmm...what...?" he groaned and turned away from me, wanting to sleep more.

I got closer to him and kissed his bare shoulder.
"Hey, we have to get going. If you want to go home then you have to get up baby..." I whispered then he finally turned around and smiled.

"I'm so excited to take you with me..." he said, his voice deep and raspy like it was every morning.

"I am too. I still can't believe it's real."

"Believe it love." He said and stroked my cheek with his thumb, kissing my forehead.

I got up from the bed, really sluggishly as I wanted to sleep more too, but went to take a shower. Jimin fell back asleep, but when I got out I jumped on him so he'd finally get up.
He went to take a shower as well, meanwhile, I ran through the hallway waking everyone up so they could get ready for the airport.

We packed every last minute thing up and headed for the door.

"You guys ready?"

"Yes!" They said in unison.

"But are you ready Regina? You're leaving. You're starting a whole new life." Nova said as she approached me at the door with her suitcase.

"I am. I'm so ready to leave." I said, Jimin by my side holding my hand.

I looked around the mansion and realized that in this place so many things changed. I met seven amazing boys, six amazing brothers and one that I can trust with my life, one that I love, one that I'm hoping to keep in my life for as long as I live.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." Nova said and chuckled, she probably knew what I was thinking about.

"Yes, let's go." I looked at it one more time before shutting the door. Another one is about to open.

We got a van to come get us all and take us to the airport so I didn't have to drive this time.
Once we loaded our stuff, I took my seat next to Jimin and laid my head on his shoulder.

He reached his hand over and stroked my cheek while he rested his head on top of mine, feeling sleepy.

"Why are you guys so tired?" Hoseok asked, then everyone looked at us.
Jimin and I looked at each other, our cheeks became red and hot and pressed our lips into a straight line, then looking away.

"Oh...I see." He said and laughed.

The others were also looking at us but I was too tired to ever care, it's not like they didn't know that we have sex. My marks were obvious on my neck as was Jimin's so it really didn't matter anymore.

At the airport, Nova and I helped the boys get through check in, security and fans. Yes, some fans were at the airport and spotted the boys. They were really respectful though so I decided to them talk to them for a few minutes until we had to go.

"You're Jimin's girlfriend right?" A girl that seemed like she was a fan asked.

"Um, well, I mean..." I began to sweat and rub the back of my neck and wasn't able to make eye contact with the her.

"It's okay, you don't have to get nervous or anything. I, and many other fans really approve. You two are really cute together." She complimented making me smile.

"Thank you so much. It's still hard for me to talk about it but, eventually everyone will know and I'll get used to it."

"I'm sure you will. Please take care of him, I know he'll take care of you. You both deserve the best." She said and leaned in for a hug.

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