Chapter Four

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I entered my house and went to pack my stuff slowly so I wouldn't have to go back there right away. For some reason, I didn't feel too comfortable with staying with them.

I didn't know them well, I didn't know what they're like in real life and I was scared that I wouldn't like the 'real' them. We only knew what they put out there but we didn't know their actual personalities, or did we? They've always said they're real with us. I hoped it's true.

I sighed at my thought and then took out my phone to text Adrian to see if she was ready to go back.
She told me she was all set so I'd go back to her place to get her.

I was going to miss my gym for three weeks but luckily my trainer has another gym near the mansion that I went to sometimes to coach at, so they'd be happy to have me there for the time I'm staying with the boys.

I put my stuff in the van, and headed off to get Adrian. She was obviously really excited and couldn't stop acting like a fan girl so I thought, soon the boys will find out we were fans of them.

She was hopeless.

I didn't speak much on our way there so Adrian checked her phone and after a few minutes of her scrolling she squealed.


"They posted on twitter! Look!"

"I'm driving..."

"When you stop at a light, read what they said. You know how shitty the translation always is."

"What did they even post?"

"A photo of them at the mansion. They're just chilling at the pool. Jimin...he looks kinda sad though." She said and I gulped.

I glanced at her for a second and looked back on the road trying not to lose focus, but I couldn't concentrate much. The thought of him being sad made me upset as well. I knew he wasn't totally okay from the start.

When I came to a stop sign I took her phone and read what they said.

"LA baby! Once again, we made it here safely and we're on top of the world!" -RM

"Oh so Namjoon posted this." I said and gave her back her phone and told her what they said.

"Oh wow. They all look so happy but Jimin. Maybe you should talk to your man..."

I nudged her and frowned, "he's not my man and Taehyung isn't yours. We're not gonna get with them okay? That's final. This is a job, not a vacation." I said, almost aggressively but she laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"You say that now...but you'll see later on."

"What ever." I said and rolled my eyes focusing on the road again.

Once we finally got back we emptied the car and took all our sit inside, but it was silent and none of the boys were in sight.

They weren't in the living room or kitchen  so we assumed they were still at the pool.

"Let's just go to our rooms first." I said and we headed upstairs where the all rooms were, next to each other.

"Oh man, I hope these walls are soundproof. I wouldn't wanna disturb anyone from sleeping when Taehyung and I-"

"Adrian will you shut the fuck up?!" I growled, "God all you care about is how to get into his pants. Have some respect...I wonder why you're my best friend sometimes."

She just kept laughing at everything I said and it started to piss me off.

"I'm serious. I'm gonna tell them to let you go if you don't stop. All we gotta do is show them around LA, basically be their maids too since we are going to be in the house, and try to protect them the best we can."

"What ever you say. I'm not gonna miss this opportunity. We only live once and this job is worth losing if that means I get to do something with Taehyung."

I pursed my lips and closed my eyes for a second trying to calm down and contain myself from slapping her.

"Alright, I'm just gonna ignore everything you just said." I said and walked away entering an empty room that wasn't taken.

"Perfect." I said and looked around and saw the queen sized bed that was covered in white sheets and covers.

The room was super spacious and it had a walk in closet that I didn't even need but it was nice to have a lot of space to myself.

I had my own bathroom and a jacuzzi was in it along with a shower. The boys already had their own rooms that they'd be sharing but we got our own, fortunately.

I stored all my stuff as I would at my own place and then laid on my bed and closed my eyes for a second.

"This isn't that bad..."

As I was laying there I heard the door creek open and saw someone peek in. I sat up but by the time I looked at the door again the person was gone.
I got up and headed downstairs to see what the boys were up to.

They were all outside except Jimin. I bet he was the one that peeked into my room.

"Hey boys." I said and I slid open the glass door that took me to the poolside.

"Hey Regina!" Namjoon greeted and jumped into the pool.

They were all shirtless and it gave me a mini heart attack seeing them like that. They were all

"Hey Regina! Join us!" Jungkook called from the other side of the pool.

"I'm okay, I can't go in the pool."

"Oh come on!" Taehyung said and came closer to me.
"I swear to God, if you throw me in, you'll be dead." I said and glared at Tae.

Yoongi was on the sun bed asleep, as usual and Hoseok was playing around with Jin.

"Where is Jimin?" I asked them.

"We don't know. Where is he Yoongi? You were with him last." Taehyung asked but Yoongi had no response.

"Aish! This hyung."

"It's okay Taehyung, I'll go find him." I said and went back inside to go search for Jimin. Seriously what's up with him...?

In Love With Your Body (BTS fan fiction)COMPLETEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt