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If Allah Ta’ala is displeased then one will never experience peace and happiness in life. Presently, just about everyone is found complaining that life has become ‘tight’, ‘narrow’ and
difficult, due to various reasons : economic and financial problems, or the fear that has gripped the entire country : the crime rate, hijackings, murders and killings – all of which
just increases tension and fear.

We have become prisoners in our homes and businesses. There is no trace of the peace, comfort and security that had been experienced by our grandparents and those who lived 40 and 50 years ago.

The changing conditions are directly related to our change for the worse. Allah Ta’ala informs us in the Qur'aan Sharief, in various verses :

“…Allah does not change the condition of a people until
they change that which is in themselves (meaning that when
people indulge in sins, conditions of adversity, oppression,
suppression, as well as other disasters will befall them.)…”
[SURAH AR-RA’D 13 : 11]

“And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of
what your hands have earned…

“Corruption (strife, hardship, etc.) has appeared on land
and sea because of what the hands of people have earned
(by evil deeds) that Allah may make them taste a part of that
which they have done…”
[SURAH AR-RUM 30 : 41]

With plentiful too, our lives have become miserable. My Sheikh says that that person, who has earned the displeasure of Allah, can have delicious ‘kabaab’ in his mouth but he will have Azaab (punishment) in his heart. Can there be any taste
in the mouth when Azaab has engulfed the heart ?

THE TRUE LOVER OF ALLAH TA'ALA  Part 2✔Where stories live. Discover now