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Then, Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (Rahmatullah ‘alaih) continued :
“…And he (the lover of Allah) has taken the drink of the pure love of his Master…”

In other words, ‘the Zikr of Allah Ta’ala intoxicates him like a cup of wine.’ The taking of the name of Allah gives him more intoxication than that person who is addicted to wine.

The joy of taking Your name
Is far greater than the enjoyment
Of those who love their wine.

This is not a worldly intoxication which makes a person lose his sense of sanity and then commit indecent and obscene acts. The intoxication inherent in the beautiful name of Allah is a rare and exceptional kind of intoxication.

Maulana Jalaluddeen Rumi (Rahmatullah ‘alaih) says :

“When I take the name of Allah,
then from every hair of my body, fountains of honey begin to flow.”

Some Ahlullah have even disclosed that they experience the sweetness of the name of Allah in the true and literal sense : their saliva becomes sweet.

That Allah who has placed sweetness in sugar cane, cannot He put the same into our tongues?

THE TRUE LOVER OF ALLAH TA'ALA  Part 2✔Where stories live. Discover now