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Another example comes to mind : A girl was being dressed and beautified by her friends prior to her being sent to her husband’s home. Her sisters and friends complimented and
praised her : “You look beautiful.”, “You look lovely.”…On hearing all these praises the bride began to tear.

They said : “This is not an occasion for tears. Why are you then crying?”

She replied : “All of you are saying that I look beautiful and wonderful but when my husband will say : “You look beautiful.”, then that will be the time for me to smile.”

…There are so many husbands who have the prettiest of wives, yet they are involved with other women and thus do not have any interest, liking or appreciation for their wives,
who are Halaal (lawful) for them…

This bride is teaching us a lesson : When Allah Ta’ala will say: “I am happy with you.” then that will be the time for us to smile.

THE TRUE LOVER OF ALLAH TA'ALA  Part 2✔Where stories live. Discover now