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Hazrat Umar رضي الله عنه  once dispatched an army under the
command of Hazrat Saariya رضي الله عنه  to Iraq. While the army was
engaged in battle, he remained in Madina Sharief, occupied with his commitments as the Ameerul Mumineen.

One day, during this time, he was delivering a Khutbah in Musjidun Nabawi صلى الله عليه وسلم  when he suddenly called out : “O Saariya, the mountain. O Saariya, the mountain.”

He was standing on the mimbar in Madina Sharief, yet he was warning Hazrat Saariya رضي الله عنه , who was thousands of miles away, to look behind, towards the mountains…

On the arrival of one of the envoys of the army, Hazrat Umar رضي الله عنه  inquired as to the outcome of the battle. He was told that the Muslim army was near being defeated when they heard the voice of Hazrat Umar رضي الله عنه  warning : “O Saariya,
the mountain.” On having heard this, Hazrat Saariya رضي الله عنه, took necessary precautions, and thus the Muslims were able to overpower the enemy.

It was then that the people recalled the words of Hazrat ‘Umar رضي الله عنه , which he had uttered during the Khutbah. …This was the heart given to him by Allah Ta’ala.

And this is not something difficult to believe … The camera and television are the inventions of recent times. So if the friends of Allah Ta’ala, with their inner sight, sometimes see
that which ordinary eyes cannot behold, then what doubt can
one have?

THE TRUE LOVER OF ALLAH TA'ALA  Part 2✔Where stories live. Discover now