4; he actually cares. . .?

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Josh touched my chin and moved his head over to the direction of where he was going. He really was into me.

"Why can't that be me right now?" Onya said nudging me. "I wish he treated me like that."

I giggled and said "Come on, let's follow him before we lose track."

Josh's P.O.V.


Well, pretty crazy night in Cali with Vi getting hurt by a fan. I was ready to actually be careful with her not getting anywhere near physical pain.

Once I got over by the bus, I opened the door and walked up the steps to see the little view of the setup in here and saw Vi in shock from the looks.

"Oh my god... This is so..." she said looking around.

"Cool? Expensive? Amazing?" I said happy.

Vi nodded and Onya almost panicked when she walked inside the bus and whispered loudly "We're in the tour bus of them!!"

Vi smiled and said "I know... You must be super excited about this?"

Onya nodded quick and said "Can I use the bathroom real quick?"

I pointed from behind me. "Walk down the hall, first door."

Onya scooted by Vi and I while she went inside and closed the door.

"What's going on?" Jeff, the bus driver, asked. "I thought you were gonna stay for a little longer..."

"I was, but I'm taking my... uh..." I said before looking at Vi in which she looked at me in concern.

"Girlfriend home..." I said briefly in shock.

Jeff looked shocked and I looked at him with his look changing. "You got one already!?"

I shushed him before I walked over to him and whispered "I don't want Vi to know so quickly. She's really gentle and I don't want to hurt her feelings, okay?"

Jeff nodded and said "Where to?"

"What hotel again?" I asked Vi.

She looked up and said "It's the one by the little Mexican food place with that supermarket across the street."

Jeff got the message and the door opened with Onya eagerly saying "I can't believe that Josh is literally having us drive to the hotel in the bus!"

Vi giggled and looked at me, in which I smiled and sat down by her before Onya said "Okay... I don't want to fanfic super crazily, but do you actually like Violet like that?"

She seemed really eager to know, and I looked at Vi who seemed as confused as I was, and we looked at Onya back.

"Sureee..." "Yeah..." Vi and I said together before looking at each other.

Onya squealed and said "Oh my god! I can't believe this is actually happening!"

Violet's P.O.V.

Oi, the tension with Onya's questions about to be coming...


I was hearing the bus slow down a bit, and Josh answered with "Well, I usually like to be a younger self than what I'm told as. You know, it's pretty weird to be this old, but why not?"

Onya got out of the door quickly before saying "Don't do anything that I'll miss! I'mma be in the room, Vi!"

"Okay..." I said softly before getting off the bus.

Josh came from behind and said "Well..."

"Thanks for taking me back to the hotel..." I said smiling.

"Oh, it's no problem. I'm just doing something for someone that I actually see generous enough," he said looking down at me directly.

The tension with my blushing made me giggle a bit and making Josh smile before laughing and saying "You're too cute when you do that!"

I laughed and looked back at Josh to question "Do you really mean that?"

"Mean what?" he said back to normal.

"What you said on the bus with Jeff... before we left?"

Josh looked around and behind ME before nodding.

"Awww..." I said giggling afterwards. "I actually like you too, if you were ever going to ask me."

Josh smiled and pinched my cheeks softly before kissing me and holding me with his arms around my waist and sorta lifting me before we let go.

"See you tomorrow?" he asked close to my face.

I nodded and we touched foreheads with each other before we let go and I said "Time?"

"Around morning?"


Josh kissed me again before getting on the bus and waving bye goofingly.

I waved back to him smiling a cheesy one while the bus left and I went inside the hotel to go to bed after today.

Oh my god... I think it's official...

I think... One more day should do it.



It's getting closer and closer to it... ❤️


𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘺 || 𝚓.𝚍.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ