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Hey dolls and kens, only two chapters left. Two, dos, twee, deus lol is that ever legit? Anyways. The book is reaching the end. Decisions, decisions what will happen for the love of God? Will this story have a happy ending or a tragic one? Now is your time. Wrote the end with a chance of co writing a book with mua here. So, let me now down bellow. Tell me your ending. Remember only two chapters left. Leaving everything behind, shocking right. The title scares you? Well not anymore because you can decide the ending. Same old love? Does that sound a bad or a good epilogue ending? Guess we'll never know. Write your ending or they won't be one. Simple.

Your amazingly talented and brilliant writer, Anais. Xoxo Same Old Love. L&D

Same Old Love (Old Version) Being renewedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon