When we're together, we shine

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[11] I pressed my shaky lips together and licked the teardrops on my lips away as I inhaled deeply with a sniff, my body feeling weak and tired. "Leanne..." I stumbled out of the car, my hand holding the door and the other one in between my chest as I pushed the door close.

The door opened behind me and I pushed myself away from the car, my hand squeezing my chest as I gasped. "Leanne wait." I felt a hand around my wrist and I turned around as I closed my eyes with a shook of a head.

"Look at us Diego, we're both a mess. We can't..." I was cut short by Diego's lips on mine and I stumbled backwards, Diego's arms pulling me back closer as we kissed passionately. I gripped his shoulders as our lips tangled with each other, our heads moving side to side as we kissed desperate and needy.

The mark on our necks shining as the bleeding stopped, our wolves growling inside of us ready to be let out. "When we're together we're shining, why can't you see that?" He grabbed my face and looked at me in the eyes.

"When we're together we bleed too." I told him as I shook my head and removed his hands from my face, looking down. "We can't go back to how we were, we can't just do borron y cuenta nueva, things aren't that easy."

I closed my eyes as Diego leaned his head against me. "Please Diego, go. Don't you see that we're killing each other?" Tears blinded my vision as I stared at him, the corners of my lips dropping as he brushed my jaw. "You're killing us both by walking away, I'm sorry for walking away. I now know what it feels like, you putting a distance between us hurts. I know that you're hurt too, I can see it in your eyes."

I chewed down my bottom lip, sniffing shakily as I stared at him. "When someone hurts you, even if you love him." Tears slid down my cheeks, "You need it let him go, so I'm doing that." He shushed me as he shook his head at me, cupping my face, "I love you, I can't live without you. It made me realize all these months we've been apart, I was broken beyond repair and I still am. Loving you hurt, it hurt beyond my own expectations." He wiped away my tears from me, "This is me going behind of what I want, behind everything I ever wanted. Behind of what my own heart wants, this is me guarding my heart from you, because I know that you will hurt me."

I put my fingers over his lips, "Maybe not on purpose but you still do, this time I'm not here for that. I'm not here for the heartbreak, I'm not here for the heartache. Maybe you won't hurt me, maybe everything will be back the exact same way it was before but I won't stay and see how mistakenly wrong I was." I pressed my eyes closed, grazing down my lip.

He wiped away my tears, my eyes opening to stare into his hurt eyes glinting with unreleased tears. "I love you Leanne but if this is what you want. I understand." He leaned my head down and kissed my forehead,  tears spilling like a never ending rainy day.  "Diego....." He brushed my cheeks softly, my trembling lips meeting his in a short but passionate kiss. 

He pulled away with a sniff, caressing my face as he backed away from me, pressing his lips together before turning around. I touched my lips as I suppressed the need to burst into tears. I turned around not being able to face him anymore and dragged myself toward my house, opening the door and slammed it close with my back as I looked up at the ceiling, tears falling from my heavy lashes.

It hurts so bad, the distance hurt so bad, it felt as if we had a string attached to our hearts, with each pull the string would cause our heart to ache, making it bleed. I felt as if I was drowning, air couldn't circulate in my lungs, it felt empty. My fingers couldn't stop gnawing at my skin, pressing and digging as I moved them up to my face to tangle them in my hair.

I sniffed, biting down my knuckles as I tried to breath, "Why are you wet? And wearing just a shirt?" I snapped out of my state and quickly wiped my tears away as I leaned down my head to look at my mother who stood there in her nightgown. "You don't want to know mom." I shook my head at her with a small smile on my face, my cheeks not reaching my eyes. She dropped her mouth as her eyes widened and her cheeks turned pink. "What? You guys wanted us to fix things well we did."

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