Birthday surprise {Finale}

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[Epilogue] I closed the door of my house as I got in, heading upstairs, "Honey? You'" My mother spoke surprised to see me here, "You knew, you knew he was there. That's why you left with Daelan." I pointed at her as I barked out betrayed. "I was just trying to help."

"Well don't." I walked past her and made my way inside of my room, heading toward Daelan as I picked him up. I brought him closer as I cuddled against him, a small cry escaping his throat before he went still.

I leaned my head against his, bouncing him side to side. "All those days watching from the windows. All those years outside looking in. All that time never even knowing, just how blind I've been. Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight. Now I'm here, suddenly I see. Standing here it's all so clear. I'm where I'm meant to be."

I cradled Daelan in my arms as he yawned, blinking his heavy eyes before he closed his eyes slowly. "And at last I see the light. and it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the light, and it's like the sky is new. And it's warm and real and bright, and the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything looks different, now that I see you."

I hummed the song beneath my breath as I placed him in his crib, sighing as I turned around. I brushed my arms up and down, heading toward the shower to take a shower. I stood beneath the shower head, letting the water pour down on me as I leaned my head down, brushing the water away from my face.

I turned around, rolling my head around as the water hit my back. I soaped my body and let the water washed the soap off as I turned around, splashing my face. I turned off the handle and got out of the shower, drying myself off with my towel as I made my way out of the bathroom.

I headed toward my closet and got dressed for the night but didn't go to bed. I slid the balcony door open and got out, sitting on the chair as I watched the starred sky and silent night. I spent the whole night sitting outside, thinking how my life has turned. I don't understand myself, I was dying to be with Diego again and when things looked so good between us I freaked out.

I never thought that we would go there so soon, well not that soon because it's been three years. I huffed with a sigh, running a rough hand through my hair. I heard Daelan whimpering inside and stood up, making my way inside.

The days past like trains, so fast. I was planning Daelan's birthday party. He was about to cerebrate his second birthday. I was so excited, well not that excited because we needed to plan the birthday together and when I say we, I meant Diego and I.

Thank the lord he never talked about that night again and I couldn't be more grateful. Well I was a bit sad that he didn't talk about that night. I wanted him to say something but he didn't. I chewed down my bottom lip as I plopped down the sofa, sighing deeply. "Hey, I like this." Olivia said as she looked at the baby clothing. "I'm so excited, do you think it's too soon? I mean. I'm only two months, well almost two. I just can't wait." Olivia squealed excitedly, stopping as his face felt. "Come on Leanne, at least show a bit of happiness."

"I can't Olivia, I swear that I'm trying, I'm trying but I can't." I stood up as I ran a rough hand through my hair, "Well try harder, because It's not my fault, It's your own for walking away again." Olivia told me seriously, her face without a trace of playfulness. "What are you so scared off Leanne?"

"I'm scared of him leaving me again! There! I said it, I'm scared that he's only playing me like he did before. I can't handle another heartbreak, that's why I'm maintaining my distance." I looked at her with heaved chest, my eyes glinting with unreleased tears.

"Aw, you're making me emotional." She pulled me into a hug and ran her hands up and down my back comfortingly, "Okay, forget I said anything. Let's shop for Dae's birthday. We're going to buy so much things, he deserves it all. We can spent his money, let's think about that. We can spent his money. Don't cry Leanne, it hurts me seeing you like this. No more tears okay?"

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