The Diego I used to love

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[7] "Hey! Give me my phone back!" I shrieked out at him as I leaned forward but he opened the car door and got out. I crawled toward the other side and opened the door. "Give me my phone Diego! You have no right..." I pinned my lips with red face as I glowered at him and stepped back when he shouted back at me, "I have every right to take your phone away when you're acting suspicious. Who are you texting with ha?"

He raised the phone up from my reach and got in my face, his pitch black eyes staring furiously at me. "How dare you accuse me of acting suspicious when you were texting when I got inside of the car. How dare you take my phone away and act jealous when you've been kissing girls for months! How dare you! I was the one insulted, I was the one humiliated and you pull this on me? You have some serious back bones Diego!" I spat out at him bitterly and hurt, the cars passing by would probably think that I was a lunatic for yelling like that on the side of the road.

"Who are you texting with?" He barked out at me with gritted teeth and dark eyes, clouded my anger. I gaped speechless, my mouth opening and shutting in disbelieve before I pinned my lips together.

"Give me my phone Diego, now!" I shouted at him angrily and gasped when he crunched my phone into pieces, letting the pieces fall down slowly from his hand. I curled up my hands angrily and breathed out heavily from my nose, my hand slapping him.

"How could you break my phone?!" I screamed out at him, pushing his chest as I sunk down on the floor, Diego stepping on the pieces with his shoes. I pushed his leg as I cried out, pushing myself up. "Who is so important that you have to cry over a stupid phone?!"

At this point, I was seeing red. "You have no right to break my phone! What is it to you? I can text whoever I want, talk to whoever I want, you have no right to break my phone!" I breathed shakily as I shook my head at him, "I know you don't deserve to know this, I know that I shouldn't be telling you this but I was talking to your sister." I told him as I sniffed, wiping my nose. "I can't believe that you doubt in me when I never gave you a reason to doubt in me. What is this man that you have become?"

"I don't even recognize you anymore." I breathed softly, sniffing as I cupped my shaky hand over my mouth. "You have become a monster, a vile and cruel person. This isn't the man I once fell in love with."

"Get in the car now!" He spat out his words one by one as he stared at me seriously, my chest heaved up and down as I glared at him hurt and devastated. "No vales nada Diego, nada." I curled and uncurled my hand my hands in rage. "I said get in the car!" He barked out at me angrily and I went to slap him, only for him to catch my wrist in a tight grip.

"Now!" He shouted in my face and tossed my arm down, making me flinch and step away from him scared. He walked past me and opened the car door, getting inside. I wiped my tears away and breathing deeply, my shoulders slacking as I shook it off, my head held high as I walked away from his car. My heels clicked beneath my feet on the side of the road as I gathered the layers of my dress.

The door opened behind me and was closed with a hard bang, "Leanne, I'm not playing. Get in the car now." He gripped my arm and yanked me around, his hands gripping my arms as he stared at me hard. "Why are you doing this Diego?" My eyes stared at him glinting with tears as the corners of my lips dropped, "Why is this happening to us?"

His grips on my arms loosened as he lifted his hands up, his thumbs caressing my chin. I chewed on my bottom lip as I stared at him with a puppy look on my face, I really loved him and still do, this, what is happening to us right now is killing me.

"We're running late." He pulled away from me and my face dropped, the tears threatening to spill, sliding down my face as I closed my eyes briefly. I ran my hands up and down my arms as I followed behind him. I yanked the back door open and got inside of the car, slamming the door close.

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