Epilogue || Hosung Ending

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"God dammit you two are completely useless!" The gang leader hollers as he angrily glares at his gang members, who shrink back in fear. The gang leader then directs his glare at Hosung. "You may have won this time, but we'll get you the next time."

"Fine, but next time it's just between you and me. You drag her into this and I won't stop as to kill you, you got me?" He asks in a warning tone. The gang leader nods before he gestures to his gang to retreat. Hosung and I watch them leave before we look at each other. "They didn't hurt you, did they?" I shake my head, but my now aching arms from where they held start to hurt. He notices and holds my arms gently. He caresses them making them feel better. "Come on, let's go somewhere safer." I nod as I follow him. He brings me to his special place and we stand there. He turns to look at me and his expression is hard. "Y/N, what were you thinking going out there all on your own? You could have been killed!"

"Why are you getting mad at me?" I ask in confusion.

"Because you were being stupid!!" He yells in frustration as he sighs. I sigh as well.

"Look, I'm sorry that you had to come rescue me, but they just appeared out of nowhere," I argue.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about!" He yells as he throws his hands up in the air, "Ugh! I don't care what happens to people!"

"Huh? Then why did you save me?!" I ask in confusion and shock.

"Because I made a promise to you 12 years ago!" He answers as he turns away. I look at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I ask as I go in front of him and peer into his face. He heaves a heavy sigh.

"A while ago, when my mother died, a girl said the same exact thing that you said when I told you about my mother's passing," he explains shortly. I raise my eyebrow slightly in interest.

"Huh, well, I guess we think alike," I reply with a shrug. He nods back.

"You do and there's a reason for that too," he continues.

"Ok? What is that reason?" I ask in curiosity as I wait for his reasoning.

"Because you are her," he voices simply. My eyes go round and my mouth. What did he just say?! I'm the girl?! That's impossible though! I only met him when I first came here. He must be confused with someone else.

"Wait...... WHAT?! What are you talking about?" I ask bewildered.

"The girl, her name was Y/N. She went to the same elementary school as me and then the day after I told her that my mother had passed away she moved schools and then I never saw her again," he explains with more detail. My eyes widen at that. Memories of the past fill my head.

"You were that boy," I murmur as I point at him. I remember now the boy who I talked to on my last day at my elementary school, 12 years ago.

"Yeah, that's why I saved you and I've also come to realize now why I've been so incredibly pissed off at you and why I've been so mean to you. It's because you broke our promise," he continues as he crosses his arms and slightly glares at me. I don't respond as I try to avoid his glare, but it only deepens. "You forgot it didn't you?"

"No! I didn't forget it! I didn't even know your name, so I had no idea that you were the boy from that day!" I protest in alarm as I hold my hands up in defense.

"Calm down will you? I already know that and I know that it's not your fault if you did forget," he says with a sigh as he shoves his hands in his pockets, "I just thought that maybe you would recognize me."

"Well, I did see some resemblance in Hoseok, but I mean your hair is different," I mumble, trying to come up with a big excuse, "You act completely different from that boy I met so many years ago. If I had known your name back then I would have remembered the promise we made."

Seduced By The Jung Twins ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن