Ten || A New Side Of Hosung

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for telling me," I thank him with a grateful smile. He smiles back. "Well, I should probably go." He nods as I turn around and leave. In a way, I feel like I want him to call out after me, but he doesn't. I feel his eyes on me as I leave, but he doesn't call out to me. Will my relationship with him ever be back to the way it was before? I sigh and my shoulders drop as I enter my locker bay. Hana is already there with her locker wide open.

"Y/N! Finally!" She exclaims with a wide smile as she closes her locker shut and comes up to me. I give her a small smile as I open my locker. She notices and furrows her eyebrows worriedly. "What happened?" I shrug my shoulders, clearly not wanting to talk about it making her frown. "Y/N, come on. I'm your best friend. What was our rule about never hiding things from each other no matter how bad or how embarrassing it is?" She raises her eyebrow at me making me sigh. I guess I have to tell her. I quickly explain to her what happened and by the end her mouth his hanging open and her eyes are popping out of her skull. "Damn girl. You talked back to the teacher?!" I give a small nod. She gives a small gasp before smiling. "Well, I'm proud of you girl. That teacher definitely needed some talking back to anyways."

"Yeah, but I've never talked back to a teacher before," I claim with a heavy sigh, "I hope this won't affect my final grade." She scoffs and shakes her head.

"You have nothing to worry about. You're practically the best student in the classroom," she responds with a shrug, "One slip up is fine every once in a while." That's true, but the fact that I'm letting a boy be the cause of my slip up is not a good thing. "Also, just wondering, do you a have a thing for Hosung?" I had a feeling that she was going to ask that. Honestly, I don't know how to reply that, but luckily I don't have to. As I go to respond, I notice a figure run by outside. I see black hair along with it. Is that Hosung?

"Um..... I need to go. I'll see you later tonight," I reply as I close my locker and begin to leave the locker bay.

"Wha-? Y/N!" She calls out after me in protest, "What about the sleepover?!" She wanted to have a girls' night tonight, so I said that we could have a sleepover tonight. I really want to see if that was Hosung though.

"Sorry Hana," I apologize with a shrug, "I'll swing by your house later. I promise." She sighs in response, but gives a nod. I smile and wave to her before rushing to follow after Hosung. It's a long run, but I finally manage to catch up to him and I find him by the stream of a river. He's sitting on a rock just staring out into the distance. His black hair is blowing swiftly behind him. I catch my breath and begin to walk over to him, but I stop when I see a group of rough looking guys coming towards him as well. They look like a motorcycle gang almost. They all have smirks on their faces as they approach him. Don't tell me that they've come to pick a fight with him.

"Hey Jung! This our turf!" The leader of the gang shouts at him. Hosung glances behind him and rolls his eyes when he sees the gang coming towards him. He stands up and walks towards them as well. He isn't going to fight them, is he? They continue walking towards each other until they are standing face to face.

"Your turf? This isn't anybody's turf," he remarks with a scoff, "I'm allowed to sit here if I want to whenever I want to and there isn't anything that you can do to stop me." His confident look turns into a frown as he is met with the gang leader's fist punching him in the cheek. His head moves to the side at the impact. Oh no.

"You wanna say that again, you little punk," the gang leader challenges Hosung as he towers over him. He grumbles as he rubs his cheek before glaring at the gang leader. My eyes slightly widen as I notice his hand is clenched into a fist and is slowly coming up. He's going to punch the gang leader. This can't be good and I can't just stand here and watch. Without really thinking, I rush out towards them. I reach out to his hand and grab in my own, stopping him. He looks towards me and his eyes widen.

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