Four || Chemistry Class Pairing

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'm sick of him acting all high and mighty just because he's a bad boy," I voice with a shrug and a sigh as I sit in my seat. She nods in understanding.

"Well, I think he knows now not to mess with you because you are savage Y/N," she continues as she pats me on the shoulder, "I mean, you really nailed him hard." I didn't mean to. I just wanted him to get his locker door out of the way, so that I could get to my own. I half listen to her as continues to talk about how I told Hosung off. Hoseok soon came in and sits next to us. He glances at me and lets out a slight chuckle. What's he laughing about?

"What's so funny?" I ask in confusion and curiosity as I eye him suspiciously. He stares at me and chuckles. His chuckles soon turn into small bursts of laughter. "What? What did I do?" My confusion only seems to make him laugh more. Ok, am I missing something here?

"That was so funny how you told Hosung off like that," he responds through laughs, "I really didn't think you had it in you. You seem like the type of girl who would always keep her cool, no matter what." I sigh heavily at this. Why does everybody think that telling Hosung off was funny? Am I the only one who doesn't find it funny? "The look on his face too when you said that. I could have sworn that he was a bit terrified of you during the moment." Now that I remember, Hosung's expression after I had told him off was a bit fearful. Did I really frighten him? Damn, I guess I can be scary when I want to be. The more I think about it, I find myself laughing along with them. We have ourselves a good laugh until the teacher finally comes in and we calm ourselves down.

The lesson goes on until the bell rings. We head to our next class. We have a literacy test today. Nothing I can't handle. I'm good anyways, so it was a piece of pie for me. I zapped through each question in the blink of an eye. Well, maybe not that quick, but you get my point. I went through the questions fast. Finally the bell rings, signaling that it's lunch time. I suppose now would be a good time to go and convince Hosung and perhaps also apologize for telling him off like that. As I walk down the hallway with Hana, Hoseok, and the others, I notice Hosung walking by himself a little ways ahead of us. Now is my chance.

"Um, I'm gonna go on ahead," I say as I hurry after him. I can hear the faint call after me from the others, but I ignore them as I make my way towards him. "Hosung!" When he hears his name, he glances back. His eyes slightly widen when he sees me, but then he frowns and he storms away. I hurry after him. He rushes down the stairs. I follow after him. "Hosung! Wait!" He doesn't stop though. He keeps running, looking back every now and then. I follow him to the point where I've lost him and he is nowhere in sight. Huh, I wonder where he went. Possibly to either get away from me or he went to go get himself in another fight or he did both. I'm going to say he did both. Geez, he's really not making this easy for me. Maybe I can catch him after lunch break.

"Y/N! There you are," Hoseok voices as he comes up to me, "You surprised us when you went zooming off into the crowd of students. We couldn't even keep up with you."

"Haha, sorry about that," I apologize with a slight laugh, "I saw Hosung up ahead and I wanted to talk to him about something, but I think he's avoiding me because when he saw me he immediately dashed away." Hoseok nods in understanding and stifles a laugh.

"Probably still a bit terrified of you," he suggests with a mischievous grin. I roll my eyes, but a smile is plastered across my face. "Anyways, I'm starving. I hope they have something good today." I'm starving too. Yesterday's food was pretty bad. I ended up throwing out most of it.

"Well, you get what you pay for," I reply with a shrug, already accepting the fact that the cafeteria will be awful once again. We head to the cafeteria and get in line, like the day before, before heading to our table. Hosung isn't with us this time.

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