Three || Song Hana

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"Hey Hana," he greets her back as he sends her a smile. Does he know her?

"Hi! I haven't seen you in so long!" She states as she gets right into a conversation with him.

"Same. How was your trip?" He asks curiously. They seem pretty close. They appear to be hitting it off pretty well too. I wonder if they'll become a couple.

"Oh, it was awesome," she responds as she smiles in remembrance. Ok, here's my chance to ask.

"Wait, you two know each other?" I ask in confusion and curiosity. Both of them glance at me with neutral expressions before glancing at each other. Did I ask something weird?

"Of course we do Y/N," he states with a nod.

"Yeah, did you already forget that I went to this school before you came?" She asks as she raises her eyebrow. I feel the light bulb go off in my head. Right. Stupid stupid stupid. I mentally face palm.

"Right. I knew that," I reply as I look away in embarrassment. She giggles in response, clearly not believing me. "Whatever. I can be slow sometimes."

"Yeah, says the girl who always got straight As back in elementary school," she answers with a scoff as she places her books in her locker. I scoff at that. I didn't always get As. I did get lower than an A once. It was depressing. I was upset about it for a whole week after that.

"Not true! Remember when I got a C on my math test? I was so upset!" I protest as I point my finger at her. She rolls her eyes and sighs at this.

"Yeah and that's because that was your first C on a test! You always got As," she retorts with an obvious tone. As I'm about to respond, she beats me to it and continues. "Besides, the only reason you got a C on that test is because you didn't have time to study." I sigh in response. That's true. I didn't have that much time to study at the time. "Also, remember I got a D on it? I didn't do very well either. We were both in the same situation."

"I know. I remember. You forgot your purse in your locker, so we went back at night time and then we ended up getting locked in over night," I remark with a sigh as the memory flashes through my head. That was a night that I couldn't ever forget.

"I know. We were both freaking out like crazy, thinking that we were never going to see our families again," she speaks as she giggles in remembrance. I stifle a laugh at that. We did freak out when the janitor locked the door. We started banging on the door, but he couldn't hear us. Plus, it was super dark at that time too, so we couldn't really see anything.

"Yup, we did have a pretty thrilling time that night, but we didn't get much sleep either," I voice with a nod as I flash her a smile. She smiles back at me.

"Well, yeah, we stayed up pretty much all night talking about boys. Obviously! I mean, who could pass an opportunity for a sleepover when it was given to us?" She asks with a matter-of-fact tone. I stifle a laugh at her sass. Yeah, it was a good time, but the results of our test made the getting locked in the school at night a horrible idea. I mean, it was fun, but I doubt I'll ever do that again.

"As entertaining as it is to watch you two rejoice about your past moments and memories, we should probably head to class now before the bell rings," Hoseok insists with a chuckle. Oh god, we completely excluded him from the conversation. I almost forgot that he was there because he was so quiet and didn't say anything or interrupt us. Hana and I giggle in response as we shut our lockers and walk out of the locker bay. As we walk out of the locker bay, Hosung and the others pass us and walk in. I notice Hana and Hosung make eye contact before they glance away from each other.

"What was that about just now?" I ask curiously. She seems to understand what I'm asking because she sighs.

"I kind of had a thing for Hosung a while back, but he made it perfectly clear that me and him were never going to happen, so I backed off," she explains as she rolls her eyes. I nod in response as I glance back at Hosung, who's getting books out of his locker. "I don't need him though because luckily I have Ian."

Seduced By The Jung Twins ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz