Chapter Eighteen: No Reason

Start from the beginning

Data nodded. "That would seem wise."

Q let himself fall back against the bed. "Ugh, you humans are so mundane! How is that going to get my powers back?"

Worf glared at the man. "You are not helping. However, if we can accurately predict where these random pockets of energy occur, and if they are indeed yours, we should be able to find some way of retrieving them. The sooner we do, the sooner we can be rid of you."

"Well that's not very nice," Q retorted, his nose wrinkling a bit around the edges as he pushed up to a semi-reclining position. "I want my powers back more than you want me to have them. And I want to be rid of you more than you want to be rid of me. Klingons are even more repulsive than humans. Ugh."

Picard scowled at their behavior. "Silence," he ordered. "We may have to rely on our new friends to find a way to contain this energy. But first, we need to make sure our theory is sound. We're not even sure if there are Ley Lines or how they relate to our current problem, regardless of what may have been previously said."

"That's true," Deanna admitted. "But it's about as good as any theory we currently have to work with. If Hiro believes they exist, chances are good there is some reason to believe they are real."

The captain nodded. "Very well. We'll look into this matter further in the morning. Until then, you are dismissed."

With a bit of a strong hint, Worf escorted Q out of the room, followed by Data. Deanna was about to leave as well but Picard called her back.

"Counselor, have you been able to uncover anything more about our friends?" Picard asked as he faced his colleague.

Deanna let out her breath. "Are you referring to my statement earlier that Hiro seems to be hiding something?" She needed only to look into her captain's eyes to confirm it. "No. I haven't. At least not yet. But there is definitely something he is keeping hidden from us and maybe from his people as well. Whatever it is, he's very good at hiding it. So good, in fact, that I'm not even sure he realizes it."

Picard nodded, though he wasn't sure what to make of that statement. "Thank you, counselor," he said instead as he held the door open for her. "We'll talk more in the morning."

Troi gave a brief nod of acknowledgement before she left the room. She had a lot to think about and not all of it was good.


By the time Hiro finally managed to head to bed, it was well after two in the morning. Despite that, he'd been able to complete most of his new carbon-fibered suit, minus the space metal. Unfortunately, he'd run out of printing material for the 3D printer before he could finish it. At least he'd managed to get the gauntlets, leg guards, and part of the chest plate, though the helmet and the rest would have to wait.

Feeling rather defeated, he'd returned to his shared room and collapsed on the mattress, still fully clothed. He let the air escape his lungs in a long sigh as he stared up at the darkened ceiling. Definitely not one of his better days, he decided. But at least the previous symptoms had all subsided. That was a good thing. And, with luck, they wouldn't come back, though part of him had the audacity to doubt that.

Baymax waddled into the room, softly closing the door behind him. He'd detected hormonal fluctuations coming from his primary patient. It wasn't too surprising, all things considered. Hiro didn't like it when things happened outside his realm of possibility, and a lot of such incidents had occurred lately. Instead of commenting, however, he remained silent as he stationed himself next to Hiro's bed. It wouldn't do to wake Wasabi.

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