Chapter 40- Seeing the truth or tricks of the brain?

Start from the beginning

'That was my father's how did it end up here? It was meant to still be in his castle...' Katherine was shocked.

I walked over and touched the cover and immediately opened itself for me.

"I'm the original, I hold all you need to know. I know more than the others but because of that I must be destroyed. I want to pass all my knowledge to you chosen one, before it's too late. Please we must be quick." The book spoke to me as if it was just another person, but there was no one else here.

"What do I need to do?"

"Look me in the eyes." she replied.

Confused I instinctively looked up in front of me and to my surprise I was met with two electric blue eyes in front of my face. Our eyes locked and I felt a tsunami of information flood my brain half of which I couldn't understand. Then I blacked out.

I woke up on the ground. My head was a little fuzzy and everything was spinning. I grabbed part of the wall and helped myself up, swaying on my feet. I had to catch myself and lean against the wall for support as what just happened came back to me.

I looked where the book was and there was nothing it just disappeared.

'Not disappeared... It spontaneously combusted, there's a pile of ash on the ground.' Katherine noted.

'Alright lets get out of here before anything stranger happens.' I said while heading for the door.


Once I entered the normal part of the house I was greeted with Zac.

"You're not going to believe this... " he started but the look in my eyes must have made him pause.

"Trust me. You're not going to believe this either... I think I just got possessed by a book." I said and he gave me a weird look.

"Um okay... Well Soph and I just found the book then all of a sudden it just turned to dust." Zac shrugged.

"I found the original book Zac, and it just did the exact same thing except it kind like climbed into my body and took up residence then killed its previous form. Trust me I'm just as confused as you are." I replied.

"Guys! Come on." Raph poked his head around the corner of the door to the office and waved us to follow him.

Zac and I looked at each other then chased after Raph.

We entered the room where everyone in the house had been gathered.

"Hey everyone. We have some news that isn't the best. We have caught the old third in command and we have found out the Rouge pack's plan. They want to start a war for our land, our pack and everyone in it.-" I cut sophia off.

"They want world domination and they are willing to do what ever they deem necessary to achieve it. Rudis is one of the main masterminds behind this as well as his brother Richard who we currently have hostage. They want to use Zac and I's powers to allow them to control the world then slaughter and turn as many humans as they can. We need your help. I know its a big ask but after this is all over everyone will be safe, and we can all finally be happy to live normal lives. This isn't just a battle for the Lone Wolves Pack, it is a war for the sake of all humanity, all of supernatural alike. We're the only ones that can save everyone. " I finished. " Will you help us?"

Everyone looked to each other, making eye contact and speaking silent words.

Then Ashton stepped forward.

"We will, we all will. We're family, some by choice but still family." He nodded.

"Alright everyone!" Raph spoke up. "We need to gather weapons, gather all the children and mothers who aren't able to fight, gather all elderly who aren't able to fight. We need to get them to the hospital. The hospital will be our safe house. I will put the hospital on lock down at 2:30pm that means we have 2 and a half hours to get everyone there. That is number one priority. Sunset is when they will attack, we have to be ready well before then. Sunset today will be about 5:30pm we need to be ready and in position by about 4. They may panic and launch an attack earlier. Alright go!"

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