Chapter Twelve: A World Apart

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"Pops you okay?" Opie asked as they all stood outside and waited for Clay and Jax. They were holding an emergency church meeting to find Sonia, but after nearly six months, the leads were running cold.

"It's Sonia's birthday today. We always took her out to a steak dinner." Piney said as he looked down at the ground, Opie looking away from his father as he heard a car pull into the shop. Piney straightened up, his heart now filled with hope as he knew it was the PI they had hired to find Sonia, his last hope of finding his daughter resting in a manila envelope.

Half an hour later Jax and Clay finally showed up, Jax looking nervous, but then again, the FBI and ATF had been building a case against SAMCRO, a case that didn't look good for a few brothers in the club, including Happy.

"What did you find out?" Piney asked as he rested his hands on his oxygen tank, his eyes stern as he just wanted to know if his daughter was safe, and alive. Piney was sure that Sonia would be found within a week, but after two months passed, he knew that he had screwed up as a father. The moment he found out that Sonia had been sneaking around with Happy, he had turned his cold shoulder to her. He knew it was wrong of him to just ignore his own daughter, but he thought he had raised her better than to just sneak around with a criminal.

"I have some information." The PI said as he took off his hat and sat down, his hand reaching into the envelope to take out several glossy black and white pictures. The guys leaned over the table, Happy furrowing his brow as he saw a glimpse of a very pregnant Sonia. She looked tired and sad, with a worried look in her eyes.

"Where is she?" Piney demanded to know, his hands looking at every picture as if he was trying to memorize her face. Happy took a picture from the table, a picture of Sonia standing by a tall older man with mutton chops, his Kutte letting him know he was a part of SAMBEL.

"Belfast, she is staying with a man named Keith McGee, I think he is affiliated with your club."

"He is a first nine—and my best friend." Piney huffed as he leaned back and rubbed his face, feeling a since of betrayal that his friend didn't tell him where his daughter was.

"How is she?" Happy asked, his hand gripping the photo in his hand as if it was his only connection left with Sonia, his heart breaking more and more each day they were apart.

"She seems fine, she keeps to herself, goes a few places a week. From these pictures, it looks like she is getting ready to buy a house close to the Belfast clubhouse. In this one she is buying a few things for her son." The PI said as he took out a few more pictures from the envelope.

"Son?" Happy said as he picked up one of the pictures of Sonia carrying several large bags filled with stuffed animals. He looked at every single picture, his jaw clinching as he saw one of Sonia having lunch with another man.

"Oh, shite—that's my nephew, Padraic." Chibs said as he took the pictures from Happy. "We need to get to Belfast—we have to bring her home." Chibs suggested as he set the picture down.

"The FBI is up our asses, we can't leave charming, let alone the fucking country." Clay said as he leaned back in his chair, his hands rolling over his face in frustration. Everyone turned their head as Jax's phone rang, his brow furrowed as he stood up and walked out to take the call.

"If you guys won't go, I will! That is my child she is carryin." Happy announced, his next words cut off as Jax burst into the room, talking panicky about getting to Tara, and his son Abel. Happy knew that this issue was going to have to wait, but he also knew that come nightfall, he was going to be on a plane.

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