Chapter Two: First Time For Everything

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Sonia jerked awake as she looked at the empty side of the bed, her body aching and sore as she pulled the covers over her naked body. She ran her hand through her hair as she looked at the opened window, a smirk on her face as she remembered the incredible night. Happy had given her pleasure in such a way that she felt it should be illegal.

She looked at the clock, her heart fluttering as she saw it was almost 7, which meant she needed to hurry up and head to the shop. Gemma was expecting her help and it was much better than working in the shop with Jax and her brother.

Sonia pushed the covers back, biting her lip as she saw a small blood stain on the sheets, kicking herself for not telling Happy it was her first time. The pain had been intense but she had been able to hide it, and Happy was shockingly gentle despite what she had heard about him. She slipped from bed and looked all around her for panties, smirking as she realized that Happy no doubt must have taken them.

"Asshole." She whispered as she put her shirt in the hamper and threw on her bra and panties, her jeans and pink blouse following as she finally looked in the mirror. "FUCK—shit!" She gasped as she saw her neck was covered in a two large hickies, marks that her father would no doubt see.

After thirty minutes of concealer and foundation she was finally ready to face her father. She was praying to any god that would listen that he was oblivious to the fact that she had just lost her virginity to a dangerous member of SAMCRO.

Sonia took a deep breath and walked out of her room and into the kitchen, fixing her father coffee as her father walked into the kitchen. She smiled at him and tried to act natural, the expression in his face hard to read. Her father was always a hard one to read, but she had to play it cool and just get out of the house before her nerves got the best of her.

"Sleep good?" Her father said as he reached over her for the cup. She smiled and kissed his cheek, making the excuse that she was already late for work to rush from the house. She sat in her car, breathing heavily as she tried to steady her nerves. Her mind was racing over everything that had happened the night before, everything seared into her memory.

A blush went over her cheek as she drove down the road, remembering how Happy had whispered in her ear. She could still feel his body on hers, every inch of her body still shaking as she still couldn't believe she had lost her virginity. She knew that if her father and brother even got a hint of it, all hell would break loose. She shuddered to think what they would do if they knew it was Happy Lowman.

Not only was her family overprotective but her extended family was as well, especially Jax, her brothers best friend. Jax was one of the only people that gave her some sort of freedom, and she knew that no matter what she could come to him if she needed.

Sonia drove to the shop on edge, fearing that everyone knew what she had done the night before, but she knew she was overthinking it. If anyone was going to catch on, it was going to be Gemma, and Sonia knew how to handle her.

She parked the car and waved to Tigs and Chib's who were workin gin the shop, a smirk on her face as she saw Happy hanging out by the club door with the other NOMADS. She still couldn't believe what had happened, since it wasn't like her, but she knew it was the only way she could have a life.

She walked into the office and hugged Gemma, kicking herself for not showering first before coming to work. Gemma looked up at her through lashes, Sonia trying to remain calm as she was sure that Gemma knew.

"Go into the clubhouse and get me some coffee." Gemma said as she continued to write her signature on some paperwork. Sonia nodded and walked over to the clubhouse, her eyes trying to avoid Happy as she felt a blush rush over her. She wasn't sure how to act in this situation, but she knew she had to play it cool.

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