Chapter Eleven:Lost and Found

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"Why are you wanting this money in cash?" Luann asked as she counted out the money that was owed to Sonia. Luann looked at the two suitcases by Sonia's feet, and the worried look on her face, making the tension in the room grow.

"It's better than a check right now—what, are you gonna go run to Gemma?" Sonia snapped as she knew that Luann had been the one to snitch about Sonia's internet pictures. It had been four weeks since she had her one night stand with Jax. Four long weeks of fights, whispers and the cold shoulder from Happy.

Sonia had to watch as Happy paraded strippers, porn stars and Croweaters all around town, the rumors circulating that he had made a croweater named Sylvia his old lady. Sonia didn't know if it was true, but when she saw the hint of a healing crow tattoo on Sylvia the night before, everything came crashing down on her.

"I told you I was sorry about that; Jesus Christ I am human too damn it! Besides, Happy doesn't know that you are knocked up by him, again. It is his right—not Jax?" Luann hissed as Sonia looked away from her gaze.

"Jax wore a condom, and the timeline is off—its Happy's baby. Just give me the money." Sonia said as she dropped her purse down on the desk, her passport falling out, along with a sonogram picture of her growing baby.

"You know your brother and father will find out where you are going. Why are you running away?" Luann asked as she handed Sonia the stack of cash, Sonia sighing as she knew that Luann wouldn't understand even if she explained it in detail.

"Trust me—where I am goin, none of them will find me."


"None of you know a single thing? None of you heard her say something, saw something?" Opie asked as Juice was trying to hack into Sonia's email, the entire room frantic and worried as it had been almost five days since they had seen Sonia.

"Happy—you know anything?" Piney asked, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the man who in his opinion had corrupted his daughter. A man that Piney had once respected and feared, but now loathed.

"Nothin, brother—I haven't spoken to her in over a month." Happy said as he looked down at his hands, his mind racing as he tried to remain calm on the outside. All of his anger was lost the moment Opie announced that Sonia had skipped town, her bank account drained and her phone turned off.

Happy had been hurt beyond a rational thought when he discovered that Sonia had slept with Jax, and he had wanted to hurt her. He wanted to hurt her the way he had been hurt, but he knew now that putting a crow on some skank had crossed a line. He didn't love Sylvia, hell he didn't even like her all that much, but a part of her reminded him of Sonia.

No one knew if Sonia left on her own, or if she was in trouble, but all Happy knew was that once she was back he wasn't going to give two fucks what anyone said. Sonia was his old lady, and he was going to make up for how he had hurt her.

Everyone turned towards the church doors as they opened, Gemma standing there with Luann, who had a terrified look on her face. "What is it Gem?" Clay asked, clearly annoyed that his old lady had interrupted the church meeting.

"Luann knows something—tell him lu." Gemma said as Luanna clutched her purse tighter, her eyes darting around nervously as she was clearly afraid for her life. Piney stood, his gaze locked to Luann, the air in the room thick as everyone waited for her to finally speak.

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