Chapter Ten:Mistakes and Misunderstandings

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"And—done." Sonia said as she finished Lyla's makeup, the air thick with perfume and sex. Sonia had been working for Luann for almost a week, doing makeup and helping with getting the girls dressed in their lingerie. Her father wasn't pleased that she was working at a porn studio, but then again, he had barely spoken to her.

She knew he was angry, but she never thought she would get the cold shoulder from her own father. Sonia rolled her eyes as she saw her phone vibrate on the table, knowing it was Happy asking her to meet him. She had been avoiding him for almost two weeks, long enough to know that he was slowly losing patience.

Why are you avoiding me? I told you I don't like that.

Avoiding you? We are just friends, friends get busy. The club is having the cookout tonight, fuck a croweater. Leave me alone.

She texted, knowing full well that those three little words would send him into a frenzy. It killed her to avoid him, since she was in love with him, but knowing that he thought of her as just a fuck buddy was the nail in the coffin.

"Sonia, can you bring me a pillow." Luann said knocking Sonia from a trance like thoughts, a small smile on her face as she handed Luann a small black pillow to sit on, her eyes looking heavy as she looked over the books.

"Money troubles?" Sonia asked as she reached for her water bottle, her phone going off again in her pocket. She wanted to answer it, but she also just wanted to forget she have ever cared for Happy Lowman. She hated that he thought she wanted the fairytale life, when all she wanted was to be his, no matter what that meant.

"No, my online site is tanking, my members want new talent, but I can't find a fresh face. Most of the bigger companies took the new girls." Luann admitted as Sonia looked at the computer screen, pictures of half-naked women in suggestive poses filling the screen.

"What kind of members?"

"I don't know, pervs who pay 20 a month for soft core porn." Luann admitted as she rubbed her temples, stress no doubt getting to her. Luann had too much on her plate with her husband locked up for life due to murder and her porn business barely hanging on.

"How much do they get?" Sonia asked curious, a thought crossing her mind that she knew would get her slapped by not only her father, but Gemma as well.

"Few thousand a shoot, depending on how much business they bring in—oh no. Sonia don't even think about it. Your brother is already up my ass for even letting you work here, now you wanna join the business." Luann hissed as she stood up, Sonia smirking as she could see the corset under Luann's tank top.

"Just one time, I mean come on, most of the guys don't know how to use the computer, and you said so yourself—members only. I need the money to move out of here and I mean—I am fresh faced." Sonia smiled as she puckered her lips.


"Please—look we do it after hours, post the pictures, and see what happens." Sonia offered, watching as Luann bit the inside of her cheek, Sonia knowing full well that this was the dumbest idea she had ever had.

"One time—then after that we erase the pictures and send me into hiding because if your father founds out he will beat me to death with that fucking oxygen tank." Luann huffed as Sonia smiled big knowing full well that what she was doing was a mistake, but she wanted to the money to finally get away from the life that had caused her nothing but pure heartache.


Sonia gently dabbed her eyelashes with mascara, her lips painted with a dark crimson lipstick and her eyes darkened with eye shadow. She looked down at her outfit or lack thereof. She was wearing a red thong and a black SAMCRO patched leather jacket, knowing full well that if anyone found out how she was disrespecting the patch they would be furious.

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