Chapter Seven: Patch Over

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The funeral had been as Sonia had expected, except for Opie. He had cried on her shoulder as the preacher had spoken, her heart breaking as she felt a sense of guilt rush over her. She didn't know why she had been spared, and Donna killed, but she knew that everything happened for a reason.

Sonia had felt Happy's eyes on her the entire day, an anger about him as he more than likely saw the bruise on her face. She knew that her father was going to be on a witch hunt for the man she had slept with. Sonia knew that sooner or later their secret would come out, but it wasn't going to be sooner.

After the funeral, everyone had met up back at the club, Opie the odd man out. The moment the funeral was over to left his children with their mother and took off, Sonia trying her hardest to get him to come home.

Her father hadn't spoken to her since their early morning fight, her cheek still holding the bruise. She had tried to cover it up, but makeup could only do so much. Sonia jumped as Happy sat down next to her at the bar, his eyes forward as he ordered a shot.

"You alright?" He asked, trying not to make it seem too obvious. Sonia sipped on her beer, her eyes going over to her father who was lost in conversation with Clay and Tigs.

"I'm okay—you?" She asked as she looked up at him casually, his eyes looking down at hers as she just wanted this hiding to be over, but she knew that if her last name was Winston it was nearly impossible.

"What happened to your face?" He asked as he downed the shot, Sonia trying her hardest not to make it look too obvious that they were lovers.

"Dad, saw me come in last night—he doesn't know." She whispered as she sipped her beer.

"Happy! Come on, we need to talk to you." Clay said with a stern face as Sonia watched her father walk into the chapel with everyone else, her heart racing out of control as she knew that they had found out.


"We wanted to talk to ya Hap, it's pretty important." Clay said as they sat down, Happy feeling somewhat nervous as he had something to hide. He knew what he was doing was fucked up as it was testing his loyalty, but he was NOMAD and didn't follow the same set of rules. He also didn't want to leave Sonia alone, he was starting to care for her in a way that he had never care for another person.

"What's up, Pres? I took care of that Mayan, what else you need me to do?" Happy asked as he sat straight in his chair, his toothpick between his teeth as he felt all eyes on him.

"We want you patched over into SAMCRO." Clay said, everyone cheering as Happy felt a sigh of relief enter him, a sense of pride fall over him as he gladly accepted. Happy knew now that since he was a member of SAMCRO, everything was about to change. He was loyal to his club and his brothers, and lying to them was not something he wanted.

Sonia watched as all the guys walked from the chapel, all of them congratulating Happy as she felt a sense of relief fall over her, since she knew full well what had no doubt what just happened. A smile went over her face as she saw the patches in his hand, a proud feeling going over her as she saw the look on his face.

Sonia casually walked to the back, the bathroom a perfect cover if she was ever going to have a chance to talk to him. She waited by the bathroom for a few minutes before she saw him sneak back there, his hand grabbing hers as he pulled her into his dorm, the door locking behind them.

"We got a problem." He said in a low tone as he crossed his arms over his chest. Sonia leaned against the door, fearful that someone no doubt just saw them walk into his dorm.

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