::Chapter 2:: Plan

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Clearly taken by surprise, the great monster spun to face the opponent as Christopher landed on his back. Only to find that the creature had no shoulders that he could land on, and he fell almost perfectly through him.

Landing hard, the air was knocked from his lungs for a split second. However, he had almost no time to regain his balance. As the monster turned and went to bite him, it's actions accompanied by an inhumane screech.

Fully aware that a single bite delivered by this creature would easily snap him in half, Kit dragged himself to his paws and dodged left. Missing the bite of the monster by the width of his hair.

How the hell are we going to do this? Kit thought in terror, watching for a moment as Max dove again. Trying to make his talons find purchase on anything which might have allowed him to injure the monster, but failing every time.

Max had the advantage of height that Christopher couldn't dream of having, and even he was struggling. He couldn't begin to imagine as to how he was going to be able to fight this beast if the eagle was finding it impossible.

After almost half a decade in isolation on this island, fighting these monsters, protecting his friends. He had been long certain that he knew every creature, monster or otherwise, which inhabited this island. The destructive creature before them was indicative of something very much different.

The ungainly beast turned again, his eyes alight with rage and it lowered his head. Preparing to charge for Kit. It opened it's jaws to reveal it's seemingly endless rows of fangs, which given half the chance it would drive them into Christopher and Max.

It lunged at Christopher, who crouched preparing to lunge. It didn't matter which way, but he knew that if he wanted to see the light of morning. He was going to need to get out of the way of the creature's hateful teeth.

Forcing himself to wait until the last moment, the opportune moment, tensing every muscle and waiting against his every instinct to run for his life. There was nowhere left to run, his only option was to stay and fight. Even if it ended up being for his life.

With the beast at least somewhat distracted, Kit threw his head to the sky and howled as loudly as he could force his lungs to go. Praying that someone would hear his pleas to send help

Christopher paused, watching as the animal came closer and closer. Then lunged with all the power he could muster. Dodging the fangs of the brutish animal only just, and lunging through his legs and to the trees on the other side of it.

Watching the animal turn, searching desperately for any sign of weakness. When he caught one, it wasn't much for them to work with, but it was something. Now, he simply needed to figure out how to use it to their advantage.

Gesturing for Max to come closer, the bird swooped down and landed with a thud beside him. His breath coming out in short pants. He looked at the older wolf with hope filled eyes, "For the love of god, please tell me that you have a plan."

"Not exactly," Kit replied exchanging a quick with the younger man, but otherwise not taking his eyes away from the beast before them. "It's slow, he can barely make corners because of how damned big he is. If we are able to wear him down and try not to get in front of his face, we might be able to bring him down."

Stifling the snort which rose to the back of his throat, whilst Kit didn't exactly blame him for the lack of enthusiasm. Kit let out a low growl, now was hardly the time for him to be making stark remarks about their situation.

Ducking his head in a half apology, though from the grimace on his face it was apparent that he didn't mean it. "Exactly what do you plan to do when we manage to wear him down?"

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