Chapter 38: Resolutions

Start from the beginning

I walked up to my Atlantean best friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. His gaze snapped over to me, but held nothing but distance.

"You're turn." I said with a sad smile. Kaldur nodded and walked away silently. I watched him, silently praying to whoever that Dinah could help him.

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and checked my watch. It was 6:20 here, so it was 11:20 at home, but by now I'd pretty much grown used to the time differences. It was a Saturday, and I didn't want to go home quite yet: so I decided to visit the cave's beach.

Stepping outside, the cool ocean breeze greeted me but my hoodie helped with that. I looked to the rough cave exterior and smiled gratefully when I saw a large ledge about as big as a twin-braids bed. I flew up and sat down, looking over the setting sun reflecting beautifully off of the water. I slipped off my converses and socks and huddeled into a ball as I let my mind begin to wander.

For once this week, they weren't thoughts about the tragic training session.

I didn't know how much time had passed before I felt someone sit beside me.

"I thought I would find you here." He said.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked.

"Indeed." Kaldur's voice responded. "Sunsets are something about the surface world that I'll never be able to get used to."

I laughed and looked over to him, smiling at the fact that he looked so much better.

"How did it go with BC?" I asked.

"It was very helpful, and insightful." He nodded.

"You're looking better, less...Zombie-like." I commented, causing him to chuckle and look over at me.

"I'm glad to see you look more lively as well." He smiled. "Your eyes don't look as magnificent when they're dull."

I raised an eyebrow. "I have 'magnificent' eyes? Have you seen yours? Like, how do you even get that colour?"

He laughed again and I could have sworn I saw a blush dust his features before he averted his gaze.

A moment of silence passed over us, but I decided to break it.

"We...Haven't talked much since the session." I muttered, and I began to look at my fingers which traced the rough stone cave walls.

"No, we haven't." Kaldur agreed. "I apologise for that." I shook my head.

"We weren't in the best state of mind Kaldur, it's to be expected." I said. "But...I-I just want to say..."

I paused for a moment. "I h-hope what I did...Doesn't make you change anything between us. I can't apologise, because I stand behind that decision: but I hope you still consider me one of your closest friends."

I felt a hand place itself on my moving hand and I looked over to see Kaldur looking at me with an expression I couldn't read.

"When you sacrificed yourself and pushed me through the Zeta-tubes, in a way, I snapped. The others had to calm down, but I still...Couldn't believe that you were gone; taken from my life as quickly as you had appeared. But later, once we awoke: I realized that if it hadn't been for you, I would have sacrificed myself like a common soldier when I should have acted like a general. So in short: although I must ask you to never sacrifice yourself for me again, I still owe you thanks."

I smiled and encased Kaldur in a much-needed hug, which he welcomed.

"I'm sorry you took my death harshly, I never wanted to hurt you. But if we had switched places, I do believe it would have gone down a very similar path: you would have been the noble man you are and sacrificed yourself for the team and therefore the world, and I would have, as you say, snapped." I said.

We remained in each other's embrace for a long moment before I gently pulled away, and was surprised to see that Kaldur wore a smile on his face, and the same unidentifiable emotion in his eyes.

"What is it?" I asked placing a comforting hand on his cheek.

"I'm just...Very happy you're alive."

His words made me blush but I nodded. "And I you."

Unfortunately, the moment was broken when my phone began to ring and I pulled away to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked in French, seeing as it was Calvin.

"Canary phones Dad that you'd be alright, so that means your shrink-talk's over. Where are you?" He asked.

"At the cave, me-time." I answered. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"You're one to talk. Come home, now! You need rest!" And with that, the call ended.

I sighed and looked back at Kaldur, who was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry, my over-protective big brother wants me home." I explained, standing up. Kaldur stood with me and I carried us both down.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sure thing." I smiled, and began to walk away. But then, a ridiculously idea popped into my mind.

Oh what the hell!

I zipped back and delivered a quick peck on the cheek to Kaldur.

"Thanks for the talk." I said, smiling, before flying back off before my blood shot up to my face.

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