Hoseok waits, wants to see if Taehyung's going to be good without incentive, but when he just keeps sucking gently at the head of his cock, he holds Taehyung's head in place and rolls his hips forward.

"I said suck me off, not tease me as much as you want," he says, and Taehyung makes a high noise as Hoseok moves his hips back. He leans forward, moving to take his cock deeper again, but Hoseok just pulls him off completely. "I guess you just don't want my cock as much as you said."

"No," Taehyung says, pleading. "Please, I'm sorry. I'll be good, I want your cock so bad, sir, please."

Hoseok is breathing through his mouth under the muzzle, and he licks his lips.

"If you say you're gonna be good," he says, words slow. "Then be good, boy."

Taehyung nods quickly, pulling against Hoseok's hold in his hair to slide his mouth down Hoseok's cock. His mouth is so hot and so wet, lips slick and soft around his base and Taehyung takes him as far as he can go, gagging a bit.

Hoseok eases his hold on Taehyung's hair for a moment, worried he's the one responsible for the discomfort, but Taehyung just makes a little noise and shoves himself further down on Hoseok's cock. It makes him gag more, but he just squeezes his eyes shut and shivers, hands tight on his own thighs.

"You're gonna be good and swallow when I come, right?" Hoseok asks, because he feels himself careening towards his orgasm. Taehyung looks so good, so wrecked on his knees with Hoseok's cock so deep in his throat it's distending a bit. "Gonna be good for sir?"

Taehyung pulls back so he can nod. He looks up at Hoseok, and drops his mouth open, telling him without saying a word, that he can fuck his mouth. Hoseok growls.

"Fucking nasty," he snarls, hands so tight in Taehyung's hair, hips jolting forward as he chases his orgasm by using Taehyung's mouth. "You're so filthy, Taehyung, shit ."

When he comes, it's strong, the strongest orgasm he's had in a while. Taehyung does as he said he would, swallowing everything Hoseok spills into his mouth, blinking up at Hoseok as he does it.

"Fuck," Hoseok breathes out, and Taehyung smiles. Hoseok lets go of his hair, petting it back into place, but Taehyung shakes his head, squirming up and closer to Hoseok.

"What do you want, Tae?" he asks, and Taehyung blushes, only now turning pink. He's still got a bit of cum on his lips, but he's blushing because he's being asked what he wants.

"Want to come, sir, please," he says, quiet, licking his lips and swallowing down the last bit of cum as he tucks Hoseok back into his pants and smooths out his shirt.

Hoseok knows that, of course he does, but he'd wanted to hear it first.

"Then I'll make you come," he says, voice still low in his sternum as he leans down.

He grabs Taehyung under the arms, hoists him upright and dumps him back on the couch, climbing over him. He slots a knee high up between Taehyung's legs, left hand bracing himself on the wall and the other grappling with Taehyung's pants. He gets Taehyung's cock out, and realizes only after he's wrapped his hand around it, that he's still wearing the gloves. The costuming people will not be happy about this, but he doesn't care much, not when Taehyung grabs onto his biceps and squeezes, gasping wetly when Hoseok moves his hand.

It's quick and lacks finesse, but Taehyung can't stop whimpering, can't stop staring at Hoseok, big and dark above him, breaths loud through the muzzle. The glove isn't as smooth as Hoseok's bare hand would be, and Hoseok's worried about it for a moment, scared that it's hurting Taehyung, but he doesn't seem to mind, if the noises he's making are any indication.

"Sir, sir, fuck ," Taehyung whines, hands so tight on Hoseok's arms as he comes, and Hoseok smirks from behind the muzzle, nodding and stroking Taehyung through it. He keeps going, though, keeps touching Taehyung after he's come, and Taehyung's tense through it, biting his lip so hard it bleeds.

"Shit," he breathes, licking the blood off his lip. His chest is heaving, and he can't seem to stop staring at Hoseok. "That was so good, Hoseokie, fuck."

"Good," Hoseok's own breathing has evened out again, and he leans up and climbs out from between Taehyung's legs after making him decent again. His hair is too wild to be anything but debauched, but he's smiley and glowing, and Hoseok reaches up to undo the muzzle.

"Aw," Taehyung pouts, but it's turned into a big grin when Hoseok tosses it onto the couch beside him, leans down to kiss him. They're both smiling into the press of lips, so it's not the best of kisses, but they're too giddy to care.

"We just fucked backstage at one of our shows," Hoseok giggles, and Taehyung joins in, wrapping his arms around Hoseok's shoulders and pulling him down onto the couch.

"And it was so good," Taehyung adds on, and Hoseok nuzzles into his neck, plants a kiss or four to his skin there. Taehyung cups his cheek, tilts his face up. "And I love you."

"Even without the muzzle on?" Hoseok teases, and Taehyung blinks at him fondly.

"Always," he says, and kisses him again.


"Hey, guys!" Namjoon is loud, excited about their show. "You been up here all along? We thought we'd lost you!"

Taehyung swings his legs off Hoseok's lap, untangling himself from Hoseok. Everyone knows about them, and no one minds, but they still try to tone it down a bit in front of their friends.

"It..." Jungkook is still a little shy around them, but he isn't shy when he sees the chance to poke fun at them. "It smells weird in here."

Hoseok freezes, glancing at Taehyung. They could plausibly pass off his messy hair as them having made out for a bit, but the smell of sex in the room is a bit harder to make excuses for.

"Um," he says, but Taehyung takes the lead.

"Yeah, we found some old food in one of the bags, it was super stinky," he says, and everyone seems to believe him. Hoseok catches Yoongi squinting at him, though, and Hoseok swallows when the older boy shakes his head at the pair on the couch.

He leans close to Taehyung, whispers, "Hyung knows."

Taehyung's perfectly innocent smile falters, and he looks directly at Yoongi right away, who does a throat cutting motion at them when he sees they're both watching him.

"He's not mad," Taehyung says, which baffles Hoseok.

"He just made the death action, Taehyungie," he's still whispering, even though no one's looking at them anymore.

"If he was really mad he would've just ignored us, hyung," and he's right. Hoseok relaxes, leans his head on Taehyung's chest, and Taehyung runs his hand through Hoseok's hair as they relax after the show, surrounded by their friends.

"Love you," Hoseok says sleepily, and Taehyung looks down at him, smiles.

"Love you too," he replies, kissing his forehead. "Always."

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