Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

"You've just been such a good girl and I wanted to do something nice. Oh and how pretty you'll look!"

"Gran..." I gripe.

"I know, I know," she says, her eyelids dragging open slowly as she tosses her hand to the side. "I don't mean pretty for boys, just pretty being your lovely self all bundled nice and warm. You could catch your death out there if you aren't careful. Just think of it as putting an old woman out of her grandmotherly worries." Her red lips spread into a friendly smile and I know she's trying. I just wish trying to bond didn't involve so much money.

I lean over and wrap my arms around her. "I really do love it. Thank you," I tell her.

"Think nothing of it, m'dear," she says softly. She hugs me back and for the first time, I feel the warmth of home. "Now, Ben will probably be waiting by the door. He'll drop you at the station on his way into town."

I take the beautiful garment and place it gingerly inside my bag and set off downstairs with Gran. Sure enough, Uncle Ben's standing by the front door, fiddling with his watch.

"Ah, there she is. All set?" he asks pleasantly.

"Yep," I tell him. I turn around to give Gran one last appreciative hug when Grandfather enters the room, hobbling on his cane.

"Here," he commands gruffly, motioning with his one free hand to come forward. While Grandfather was once a bit frightening, his now overly rude behavoir makes me laugh at how ridiculous he seems.

"Yes, Grandfather?"

Without a smile, he hands me a milky soft envelope.

"Grandfather," I gasp, looking at the envelope. I haven't had this much cash on me.. well, ever.

"Nothing special," he shrugs as if defending himself. "Just some bank notes."

Without pause, I immediately throw my hands around him and hug him tightly. "I don't know how to thank you."

Grandfather seems slightly uncomfortable, but with a small pat on the back, he softly replies, "Just enjoy yourself and be a good girl." I look up to find an awkward, albeit incredible kind smile that nearly shocks me.

"Best be headed out, Hazel. We wouldn't want to miss your train," Uncle Ben says.

"Thanks a million," I say to Gran and Grandfather. I give each one a kiss on the cheek and scurry after Uncle Ben as we make our way to the car.

The car ride itself is about as pleasant as peaches as Uncle Ben fills me in on some of the craziness of the factory this week. I listen politely, nodding in agreement after every few words and throwing in an "Oh!" for good measure as if I hadn't already heard the stories from Harry.

True to his word, Harry was able to sneak in two more times this week. He couldn't stay as long as the first night for fear that his parents would notice, but it was enough time to make plans for the weekend and to hear about all the chaos at work. I swear, each and every day with Harry brings something new to love, but helping him destress from his hectic day has certainly jumped to the top of my list of favorite things. His head resting in my lap as I play with his hair, listening to his slow and hypnotic voice explain strange radio mechanics and odd business deals, watching the crinkles by his eyes soften as he lets go of his frustrations, well goodness me it's just about the best. I love getting to know about his day. Hell, I love being the person he wants to share it with.

Goodness me, I love him.


The bustling train station comes to life before my eyes and I suddenly realize that I must have completely zoned out for the last part of our ride.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now