“Ha!” he exclaims in satisfaction.

“Oh shut up. I let you get it,” I joke as we walk over to the canvas and start taking out the nails and popped balloons before the paint can dry.

“Yea, that’s why you were growling every time you missed,” he jokes. I stick out a tongue at him, stepping back when we’ve removed the nails and balloons to see how we’d done.

“What now” he asks and I look around the room again.

“You fine getting messy?” He nods his head and I grab a thick sheet of paper, about 5 feet by 5 feet and a roll of duct tape, beginning to tape the edges to the ground. “Make sure it’s flat,” I instruct when Liam catches on to what I’m doing. He nods, and we lay out the paper tight to the ground. I pull off my shoes and socks before grabbing multiple tubes of paint and a couple paint trays. “What color do you want to start with?”

“Purple,” he says and I toss him the purple tube while I squirt out half a tube of yellow into my tray. He mimics me, squirting the purple into his. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and step into the paint, feeling it squish between my toes. He chuckles when he sees what I’m doing and I step out onto the paper. It sticks slightly as I take a step and glancing back I can see my footprint.

“Can you toss me the red?” I ask before he moves away from the colors and he does before stepping into his own thing of paint. I squirt a pool of the red ont he paper in front of me, taking a step back before launching myself at the pool of red, sliding across the paper. I let out an unintentionally yelp when my feet fly out from under me and I land on my back. Liam lets out a bark of laughter and soon I can hear his feet sticking to the paper as he runs across it to help me up. I have a better idea though. I wasn’t going to be the only one who was covered head to toe in paint. When he offers me the hand up, I swipe his feet out from under him knocking him to the floor also and I quickly crawl to the edge of the paper and grab another color while he was still in shock.

“Don’t even think about it,” he warns when he sees what I have in my hand. Too late. I squeeze the tube, watching the paint shoot out all over his shirt and face. Soon we’re a mess of limbs and paint, sliding against each other and the paper as we wrestle for the remaining paints. There’s paint in my hair, ears, nose, and mouth and let me tell you, it doesn’t taste good. I’m out of breath and my stomach hurts from laughing when I hear my phone start to ring on the counter.

“Shit,” I mutter, sliding out from under his arm, wiping my hands on an clean piece of skin in an attempt to clear them of paint as I head to my phone.

“Hello?” I ask, answering it, holding my phone with two fingers a couple centimeters from my ear to keep as much paint off it as possible.

“Hello Elodie,” my father says formally. I immediately tense. I glance back to see Liam watching me and I turn away.

“Hi Dad,” I say, now a lot less relaxed than I had been.

“What was it you wanted to talk about?”

“My friend’s mom is selling her farm and I was wondering if we’d be able to buy her horse. Varshitha’s always wanted one and I thought it might be a good idea.”

“Horses are a big responsibility Elodie,” he lectures.

“I know, but-”

“I’ll discuss it with your mother,” he cuts me off. I grit my teeth to keep from arguing, knowing that would only give him reason to say no. “How’s your classes going?” he asks, changing the subject.

“Fine,” I mutter.

“You’re not giving them a hard time?”


The President's Daughter (Liam Payne) Book 6Where stories live. Discover now