"Yeah the one who invaded New York" I say nodding, Steve nods

"Well, Chase is his son" my eyes widen, that's why Cry didn't want me near him! Oh my god I feel even worse now,

"Oh my god, I feel so stupid now for shouting at Cry, I can't believe I didn't listen to him" I say sitting down bawling my eyes out, Steve raps his arm around my shoulder trying to comfort me,

"It's ok Felix, you've just got to apologise to him, I'm sure he'll forgive you, I mean he loves you after all" he says and I shake my head

"H-he won't forgive m-me Steve, he probably h-hates me now" I say

"Felix he doesn't hate you, he couldn't hate you, he adores you, if he hated you he wouldn't be hurting this much, he would move on a forget about you, but he's in his room probably crying because he loves you so much and doesn't want to lose you, come on Felix, go to him, make things right" I smile slightly and nod,

"Ok, I will, thanks Steve" he smiles and pats my back

"Anytime Felix, now go on" he encourages me, I laugh slightly and get up heading to Cry's room, I stand out side his room and I can hear his sobs which makes my hear brake, I suck up some courage and knock on his door,

"GO AWAY!" I hear him shout, I flinch at the harshness in his voice,

"I-It's me Cry"

Cry's POV
I throw myself on my bed and cry my eyes out, I take off my mask and throw it across the room, why? Why couldn't he just listen to me? I'm such a bad boyfriend, I should have done more to warn him, I just should've told him then and there who Chase really was, it looks like to me that he likes Chase more than me, and I wouldn't blame him, he's got short black raven hair like his father, a really strong jaw line, he's built, more than me anyway, he's got the looks the charm everything! And I'm just me, a weirdo with greasy curly dull brown hair, dull blue eyes, I haven't got good looks and I don't have charm. I'm nothing compared to Chase, which is understandable that Pewds would like him more, at the thought of that I sob into my pillow, suddenly I jump at a knock on the door, I sigh and shout

"GO AWAY!" Not wanting to talk to anyone at the minute, it's probably Steve wanting to know what's wrong with me,

"I-it's me Cry" my eyes widen at the sound of his voice and more tears threaten to spill, but I don't let them,

"Haven't you done enough already, go away and leave me alone!" I shout completely hurt, my voice cracks at the end making me sound incredibly weak, great just great

"Listen Cry please let me in, I wanna apologise for say those things that I did" he says sounding sincere, I wipe the tears from my eyes, my head screaming NO but my hearts screaming YES! Even louder than my head, then I hear two voices I hadn't heard in a while

~Come on Cry, let him apologise~
-Virus go away!-
<You should listen to Virus and I Cry>
-Mad I swear you too?-
<Yepp! We're hear to scream over you own voice that's telling you NO!>
~Open the door Cry, let him in and listen to what he has to say~
-FINE! If it makes you two shut up!-
-Ok then, fine I will-

I get up off my bed putting my mask on and opening the door for him to walk in,

"You've got 5 minutes, start talking" I say emotionless, shutting the door after him,
~Woah a bit harsh Cry~
-I thought you said you go away!?-
~Eughh fine bye!~
I roll my eyes and listen to what Felix has to say

We could be heroes (A pewdiecry fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora