🌸❄The demons around me, but still it never bothered me anyway.❄🌸

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I didn't know what was going on around me, as I had my peaceful sleep. However, there really was something I had mistaken.

My temperature was off.

{ Other's eyes}

There was my tired form, slumped forward against the table, my neck surly would hurt from the position I was in. Yet....the figure that made their into the room thought otherwise.


Calm, yet sad eyes looked down at me quietly. No doubt something was wrong. My face was unusually dusted with red.


My mind slightly started coming to, when a sudden chill hit me naturally. "!" I was not alone anymore.

What was this? who was in the room I was in. I was soo sleepy..., I couldn't move much. It felt nice to aly here face down on the hard table, even if there where going to be marks on my face later. I could tell by the breathing of the one here, was close. Sadly I couldn't move much. That was until my suddenly chill changed to sharp warning. A hand was placed on my shoulder.

"!!" 'W-what Am I doing move! Move!!' I being to panik, by my words was still fuzzy I didn't have much energy. So I stayed slumped ready to fight off what ever was here in case I was in danger.

Just like that I was started to get pulled slowly off the table, making me hair shift slowly. The arms that held my shoulder was strong, and didn't seem to be dangerous, but my heart still pulsed like mad.

Just like that I was facing up towards the sky outside of the stain glass window. When my eyes cracked open, only to meet sharp, but kind electric blue eyes looking down at me, with that very long violet hair over the shoulders of.

Kamui Gakupo.

My heart skipped a beat, as I realised I was just a inch close from slapping the person. My eyes cracked open, just a bit. To find azur eyes looking down at me, with question, and even concern?

💨....Taking in a deep breath, as I felt my body move, and get lifted off the chair, with most likly table marks on my face. I fell back to sleep in the silence of the temple. He never said a word.....

Not even one, but I could read it in his eyes. Something was off...about me.


I felt some life come back to me. I opened my eyes one more time, only to realise I was still in the temple, but on the main floor. Laying on my back on the long church bench. With a extra cloth, or clothing wrapped over me, and something below my head. My skin hurt....it as cold, then hot around me.

'...tch...' I hissed at the feeling.

I slowly brought my hand up to my forehead, and pulled off the wet towel. I wasn't a fan of having wet cloth on my face. Losing a bit of my energy, the cloth dropped from my hand, to the floor with a soft thud, that was not heard, but only by a mouse.

'So....this is what happened to me...., and I still need to get out of here...?'

"Hey...." A soft voice called to me.

Turning my head, I saw the long violet ponytail one looking down at me. "How are you feeling?" He walked closer to me. Gakupo was unusually quiet. It seemed like something was bothering him.

"I'm, alright." I replied.

💨... he sat on the bench I was on, but farther down from me. He slumped forward a bit.

"?" I blinked.

"Nee.., you know...you have given us quite the scare, since you vanished."

I felt my head drop. "Ha.....me too actually." I was weird to admit. " I scared myself too." He turned his head to me with the look of. Harmless serious on his face.

"Seriously....?" He looked at me playfully. Still he had to be gentle, I was ill I could feel it.


He shifted on the bench. "There is more snow coming. Can you make it?"

"M-make it? doko( where)?" I was trying to process what he meant until, his eyes moved a bit, trembling a little. " Home."

I was gonna go back? to their house? Was that really my home now...

"S-so....that's....my home. Your house....?"

He nods. "Of course. You can stay forever if you have nowhere else to go. You are our friend. "He shook his head. "Iya....our family. There is no way. * he bit his lip* I will... let you go back...to that..... man." Gakupo hissed. He truly despised Kazuma for ow he treated me.

I felt a chill hit me outside of my cold. It was the cold....protective vibe...flowing off Gakupo.

"Your ill, the trip might be hard. What do you say..?" He changed the subject fast.

"I'll do it..!"

Gakupo's crystal eyes widen as he looked at me surprised. "__-___..?"

"It will be worse if we don't go now right? So lets go."

"Alright." He said to me. I gave back Gakupo's long jacket, as it was the extra warmth over me as I layed on the bench. I felt bad for taking it. I did not want him to catch a cold. Not him.

*Click!* Gakupo opened up the large doors to the temple, and I stepped out into the cold. I turned to Gakupo only to see a phone held up to the side of his head. Head tilted slightly to the side. Listening in on the cell. Until he spoke with that angelic voice of his.

"私は彼女を見つけた。 Watashi wa kanojo o mitsuketa."( I found her.)

"すぐそこにいて。 Sugu soko ni ite." (Be there soon)

It took my breath away. The look on his face, was pure happiness. His quest was over, but another was starting. 

Chained Doll Len Gakupo Kamui X Reader X Len Kagamie X Kaito VocaloidWhere stories live. Discover now