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(....why did that happen...........)

( Why did I loose my footing............? )

Flash images of Kazuma and my current life with Kaito, Len and Gakupo came into my mind.

Everything fades..

"...................mh.............." My mind started coming back. I came face to face with a violet ceiling.
(..what.........this isn't my room......)

Suddenly I realized something was placed on my head. ".....?.?.?" (What is that...) I reached up and pulled a small bag.
Suddenly feeling a cold tingle in my finger I dropped it to the ground with a thud. Gripping my hand with my other.

(W-wwhat is that..!) No matter how much I wanted to move, I couldn't. I wanted to stay in the soft bed, that smelt.........

".....r-really.....nice........" I whispered.

Trying to remember what happened, I still could only figure out parts of it. It was all a mix. I heard a small click of the door. "!" I quickly became stiff and dropped down dead onto the bed, shutting my eyes, flopping over like if I was asleep.

The door opened up all the way, as I listened to the person walk in.

mada nemutte imasu....." ( Still sleeping....) A low soft voice spoke.

* ch..k* I heard the sound of the ice bag get picked up from next to me.
I couldn't make out a sound or a voice that was made. It was very quiet. Yet for some reason I felt the presence of the person in the room with me still.

Another voice came inside." Kanojo wa dodesu ka...?" ( How is she...?)

There was a pause. I assumed they where looking at me.
"Strange....., because I feel like she is awake.." (!! english..........english...........) Those words pinged at my heart.

Maybe it was time...., time to face them. I took a soft swallow, and began to open my eyes. Pretending I was asleep this hole time.

"...........mh........" I slowly opened my eyes. ( Please just don't be angry....)

I could here two people shift closer at my sound. As my eyes opened, I saw two faces come into view. Strange how it felt much nice to keep my eyes shut.

"_____...?" I slowly blinked my eyes, seeing Kaito call to me.

"....K-..aito......." (Wow! my voice sounds terrible!) I cursed at myself for not realizing sooner.

"Hai, Kaito desu..." ( Yes, it's Kaito)

"How are you feeling?" Kaito asked me, while I saw Gakupo look at me with a worried face as well.

".....I'm..............okay." Just as I was about to slowly sit up, I felt a tug at my neck. Making me eyes suddenly widen. "!" ( Ah..!)

The two guys looked at me in worry, seeing my face suddenly change.

"Are you alright..!?" Gakupo now sat on the other corner of the bed.

( Tch......*huff...* stupid......chocker......) I knew my scars where bad, I had no nerve to show them, or was it I didn't want to see it myself...

I nod my head slowly."...Y-...t.!...."I slammed my palm onto my head, wincing at the sudden pain in my head. "No..., you are not alright. Dose your head still hurt.?"

"........mhm......" I wince again.

".....I don't want to be rude, but ....can I see...?"

Giving Kaito permission to look at my pained head, he moves closer. Not touching my head but just looks at it.

".........* his fingers huvered over the bump on my head*........" Kaito's eyes seemed to turn dull, which made me shiver a little.

"Dou datta..? Kaito." ( How is it Kaito?)

"...........there is still a red bump...on her head......." He replied, pulling back as I see the shine in his eyes return.

"...w-what....happened....?" I asked a little worried.

The two looked at each other, not sure if they should tell me yet.
But they ended up saying it anyways.

{ Flash back}

*Bang bang bang!*

"____!OI! _____! " Kaito yelled along with Gakupo who was getting ready to break down the door.

Gakupo took in a deep breath and bowed his head." Urushite...." ( Forgive me...) as he was about to do something that a man should not do.

* CRASH! thud!* The door of my room came falling down off its hinges. As Gakupo slid his Katana back into it's sheith, Kaito ran up to my collapsed form.

"_____! oi! Daijobu desu ka!?" He pulled me up into his arm. Still gripping the phone in his other hand. All he wanted to do was to give me the phone I left behind, and now I was..injured

But there was no reply, I was out cold.

"Kaito...! look......." Gakupo held up a peice of glass, from a smashed vase.
* drip....


Kaito's eyes widen at the feeling of something warm seeping down from the side of my head.

"!! C-chi..." He looked at his blood covered hand, slowly brushing my bangs from my eyes, he saw a large lump on the side of my head, along with blood flowing down a little.

" How did she........" This pained the too, seeing me a new guest, suddenly get hurt like this and be out cold.

"She....must of lost her balance......and fell knocking the side table over, and had the vase come crashing down with her....." The rest was clear, I hit my head on the floor causing the lump, while the broken glass cut me as I fell.

"....Gomenasai.....______,.....for letting this happen......" Kaito place the phone he wanted to give me on my lap, and slowly lifted me up.

{ Flash Back End}

I was lost in words, I fell out of pure accident, or was it all my fault because I never took the lonely phone like it was given to me.

".......so you are in my room.., till we clean up all the glass...." Gakupo spoke.

".....s-soka......" ( I-I see....) I replied.

The two stood up." Len....will be back soon. It's late so you should sleep more."

I nod my head slowly. The only problem was I couldn't sleep, I was hungry and who else could sleep with the pounding in their head.

"We will be back in the morning, oyasumi( Goodnight)....." They left the room, and shut the door.
It was very dark in the room. Making this the time, I slowly got up to my feet, and wobbled to the door.

"ha.....ha..." I breathed grabbing the handle, turning it I open the door.

"....not until....I eat....." I stepped out, wanting to go down stares. Feeling a sharp pain in my neck again, made my hand clam up over top of my chocker. Trying to sooth the pain.

"ha.....ha." ( Tch.......why is it soo painful....now....)

I began to walk down the steps. Hearing the two whispering below.

I pull on the chocker, taking deeper breaths as it still burned.
coming down all the steps, I began walking up to the living room, wanting to tell them I'm hungry.

* tap...............tap.......*

"Oh......_____?" Kaito's eyes widen seeing me stand in the door way.

"What are you doing awake, you should be sleeping." Gakupo stood up and started walking towards me.

( Tch....* I pulled on my chocker some more*) The burning got worse and worse.
I didn't realize I have started taking deeper and slower breaths now.

"____? what's wrong? are you feeling ill?" Gakupo's deep blue eyes looked at me worried, searching for what was bothering me. " I'm just hungry....ha.....ha..." ( No-no........) I told myself not wanting to breath so hard in front of them.

" Is there something wrong with your neck?" Gakupo looked at my hand clamped around my chocker.

"I.....I.....can't.....b-..." * Tap...tap..* I take to steps back.

"? Can't ?"


"Gakupo! her chocker! it's-"

"Tch..! I'm sorry." Before I could blink, Gakupo stepped forward pulling me into a deep hug, and pulled his arms over my neck.

"Uh.......ha....ha..." My breathing became even more shallow.
* Click..! THUD* It dropped to the floor.

"____...." Gakupo whispered into my neck. It made my skin crawl.
".....w-why is your next.....covered in blood............?"

* gasp* My eyes widen, hearing his soft yet shocked words from next to me roll off his lips.

He pulled away from me,but quickly I covered my neck with my hand.
Gakupo's eyes became a dull....., annoyed look.

"Naze?( Why)"He asked.

"N-nothing that was just given to me, and I forgot to take it off." I tried to play dumb, but It was no use.

"Who gave you it." His words where stern, as his eyes narrow.

"!! It-its was.."

He almost glared at me now. Making me flinch in fear.
" IT was KAzuma okay!! MY MAASTER GAVE ME IT!" I shout as a tears threatened to spill.

"........" Kaito slowly walked over and pick up the black leather chocker. He stayed quiet, as he looked at the object.

"That man.........." I could see Gakupo's eyes soften, as he walked to me placing a hand on mine that covered my neck.

"Let...me see."

I shake my head.

"💨.......what has he done...to you............"

Images of me first seeing Gakupo in the park, when he tried to confront Kazuma. flashed in my mind.

"Onegai...." His hand touched mine again.

Taking a breath......I drop my hand. Showing the raw scars with blood on my neck, from Kazuma always pulling my chain when he hated me.

"......hidoi.........why would he do this ....to a women.. ..tch." Gakupo, grabbed my hand and squeezed it. " Why is your neck like this. Tell me please. I cannot let a girl's neck looking like this be ignored."

"!........w-watashi no masuta... Kazuma....that's his name. He.....bought me at action. Then gave me a home to live in, if only I was his servant. I tried my best to make it work, but deep down I knew he didn't like everything. So he put this chocker on me, telling me to never take it off, so he could find me. I was really happy, getting a present form master Kazuma. Until later on I found out the reason for it. I had to wear a chain on it when ever I left the house, and if I did something wrong...he would-"


Gakupo and Kaito's face: O-O

"He would yank on the chain..... I was scared to take it off...."

* patter..........* My tears began to fall, as Gakupo and Kaito listened to my story. it sickened them to no end.

The two knew I was forced to call them master, and the feelings I felt couldn't be healed so easy.
"Well...._____.....we have freed you from your chains."

The two got down on one knees and bowed to me. "W-why....." I felt my heart jump. I don't deserve all this and yet they want to help me this bad.

"Your chains are gone, you are free, and let us Uninstall all those painful memories you have."

Chained Doll Len Gakupo Kamui X Reader X Len Kagamie X Kaito VocaloidWhere stories live. Discover now