Part 7: The Toy-Man

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"IT'S YOU!" Eric screamed (very very very very very loudly) and shot River in the head.

"Holy crap Ducky! Whats wrong with you? River i'm so so so sorry! Don't hate me!"

"But Catty, hes a Bad Guy!"

I blushed and looked at River, he smiled.

I turned back to Eric and told him to bug off.

"And anyways, where do you get all these toys from? Mother deffeinitly didn't buy them for you, so who did?"

"Nope not Mumsy! It was the Toy Man, duh!" he said back to me as if I was the little child and he was the responsible (ish) teenager.

"I'm guessing this is a bad time..?" River spoke up.

"No thats ok, but may I ask what your doing here?"

"Just wanted to see if I could walk you to school, I came early so we could have some time to talk." He answered, blushing.



"Oh, ok, but I have to bring Eric to preschool and all."

"I'll come with."

It's the begining of May and that meant Mothers day and my birthday (barf) were closly approching. Eric said he 'lobed' making arts and crafts for mumsy.

Last time he made arts and crafts for her was when he used her good jewlerry (and I mean, really really really good) and pasted them ALL over the walls. In the kichten, the bathroom, his bedroom, her bedroom and the guest room.

Isn't he just the cutest?

ANyways, after Mothers Day usually Fathers Day isn't far enough behind.

I hate fathers day.

So does my Mother.

But Eric is starting to realize that he doesn't have a dad.

I guess thats why he's such a trouble maker now.

I let myself drift as I packed Erics ruckie and set off to school with River.


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