Part 4: Is too much sitting, just too much?

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I'm just sitting here.


Seems like I've been doing that a lot lately.

Being bored.

And sitting.

Is too much sitting, just to much?

Anyways, you know how River rejected Airabelle yesterday at the Cosmic Pin because she was being her whore-y self? (Ok, stupid question, psh, of course you know! Unless you don't...know.)

Well, Simon said it was because he thought she was a SLAG!

OK, i'm lying.

It's cause he said he was having feelings for someone he just started getting to know.

Now, i'm not getting my hopes up or anything, but it might possibly be me!

Holy shitalkie mushrooms!

This is insane!

I hope it's meee!

Then again, I hope it's not.

If it is, i'm dead meat.

Deader then dead meat.

Deader then dead meat in the dead meat shop, :o

I think i'm going mad.

Utterly insane.

What if he askes me out?

What would I say?

Hell, what would I do????

Ugh, boys are so confusing.

You know, in my world, boys wouldn't be so confusing.

Also in my world, girls wouldn't cause so much drama, junk food wouldn't make you fat, all the people like Airabelle would be abolished, mondays would be fun, there would be no such thing as highschool (or homework) and ALL CHICKENS COULD CROSS THE ROAD WITHOUT HAVING THEIR MOTIVES QUESTIONED!



You know what I need?


I ran over to my record player and popped in some Van Halen.

Listening to Eddie shred for an hour would deffinetly help.

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