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No! He's... No...

"Nate.." I start, shaking him frantically. "Nate, wake up!"


He's dead.

He's really dead.

No, Matthew! He's alive.

He's breathing... Well, barely... He's not dead. He's alive.. But he won't be for long.

"Hang in there, Nate. I'll get you out of here.."

"You just think you're getting out here, Matthew." I hear a voice behind me.

Turning around, I see that hooded man from earlier. He stood there in the dark, beside the table with the laptop.

"You!" I whip around standing up straight. "You're behind this!"

"Gee how long did it take you to figure that one out?" He asked me.

"How could you do this to?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. "You kidnapped my wife and my friends, and then you controlled and tortured Nate so he would obey your every word, and in the end of it all, you killed him!"

"I had no need for him, he was only in my way. He's useless."

I had nothing to say. Glancing to my friend, I immediately feel the anger built up in my body. Even if we get out of here alive, he won't make it long before dying.

"Useless? If he were so useless, then why did you decide to control and torture him to the point of death?" I ask, standing up.

"He was weak. He cared too much about things around him, it was easy to compel him. He wanted you to stay living, so he made a deal with me." He explained. "Though, he fell in right in to my trap after he made this deal."

"Now that he's under my control, I can do whatever I please. Torture him, or kill him. Or even both."

I only stood there then lowered my gaze to the floor.

"Why would you do this?" I ask. "Who told you to do this? Who told you to kidnap innocent people, and torture them? Who told you to kill people for fun?"

There was silence for a moment.

"Answer me." He say. "Answer me!"

"I did!" He yelled. "I chose to do this!"


"Anything I say won't matter to do, cause you'll be dead before I'm willing to explain!"

I was frozen. There's nothing I can do! I'm trapped. I felt myself glancing over to Nate again. I can't think of anything else. He'll die if I don't do anything. He'll die either way.

"Listen." I start silently, not looking  up. "You can beat me and tear me apart! But I will not let you hurt them, torture them and kill them!" I say to him.

"Fine then, I'll kill you first, so you won't have to see them suffer!" He snarled at me, before pinning me to the wall near the chair in the middle.

I closed my eyes, preparing for my death, but time seem to freeze when quiet coughing. The quiet coughing was coming from the middle of the room.

"Do you have anything you'd like to say, Matthew Patrick?"

I look over to the chair, then sighed closing my eyes. I cringed, expecting my death, but I backed up instantly, as the man in front of me suddenly dropped to the ground.

Final Hour (NateWantsToBattle & MatPat)Where stories live. Discover now