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"You really are useless, Nathan." I raise my voice circling the young man bound to a chair by his wrists.

He said nothing and just glared at me.

"... This won't work.." He finally said to me as he spit up some blood.

Just as I thought. The young musician is weak. Better, he's dying. He won't last long. Trying to starve him won't work due to the new knowlage of him never eating while he was free. Breaking him down has been proved difficult, as he acts Strong though his insides are melting.

Inflicting injuries on him are getting harder and harder now that he's been hiding all his pain to piss me off.

I need to think of something that'll force him to show he's weak.

He's a challange... Won't break under the fear of his nearing death. My boss is getting impatient. He wants this fool to reveal what he knows, but he stays silent.

"No?" I ask him, using his hair to pull him up again.

"No, it won't..." He told me, with a clearly visable smirk on his bruised face. "Do you think Matthew is stupid?" He asked me, his voice suddenly full of power.

I give him a look as he chuckled quietly, only look at me with one eye, as his other one was covered by his long bangs.

"I may be your bait for him, but Matthew is smarter than most. He won't come here, if he knows he's just gonna die." The young musician explain, with one eye narrowed. "I only joined you, because you held my partner hostage..." He added.

He then stayed silent for a moment, looking around the dimly lit room. "But if I had a choice, I'd have your head on a platter, and have your body burned to the crisp." He started turning back to me.

"Stop talking!" I raise my voice acting as if I'm not threatened by him. He can't hurt me if he tried to. His hands have been bound to a chair by rope.. He's useless. He couldn't defend himself if I were to kill him.

He tilted his head to the left, almost looking like an innocent young teenager in a school. "Oh?" He started ever so calmly. "Are you scared?" He asked.

I just glare at him, as he looked at me.

He then lowered his head, lowering his gaze with a grin on his face. He laughed quietly and despite it being quiet, his laugh seemed to echo in the small room.

"You should be.." He chuckled quietly.

I've just about had enough of him. "Silence!!" I yell at him, landing another blow on him.

He only flinched, and my suspicions grew. Did he get stronger? Is that even possible? He's been bound to a chair and can't move. Impossible! He can't even move.

"You're wrong to try an challange me, Young Nathan!" I kneel down lowering myself to his level facing him, as he looked back at me with a smug little look on his face. "You're inching yourself closer and closer to death." I sneer at him.

"Good." He said with a cocky tone. "I was wondering when you would muster up enough strength to kill me.. I've been waiting so patiently."

I turn to him to only see him look at me.

Is he not threatened by me anymore? Is he not frightened?

"I can tell you one thing, Nathan.." I look at him, roughly pulling his hair away from his fading eyes. "Your death won't be quick and painless, my boy... I will make sure you suffer. If you desire to die, I will make sure you die a slow and painful death." I add on, tapping my fingers against his cheek.

He gave me a dirty look before slowly moving his head away from me disgusted. He remained silent, carefully looking at me through his bloody matted bangs.

I was satisfied with his silence, and stood up remaining in front of me.

"Well?" He finally asked with no fear in his voice. "I'm waiting!"

Glaring at him, I take a step back from.

There's something not right with this man. He do desperatly wants to die. He desires to die more than anything. He'd rather be tortured to death then to be free.

"Are you even human?!" I snarl at him taking a step back.

He narrowed his eyes with that unsettling grin on his face. "You know, I, myself am unsure of that. We could always find out!" He told me shifting uncomfortably in his chair.

"Silence!" I hiss at him, not even surprised that he didn't flinch.

With him silent, I sigh, prepared to leave him alone.

"You're kind of boring, you know." The young musician told me with a yawn.

"Excuse me!?" I stop, turning to him.

"Yeah, you know... You're kind of -- well, no... You're extremely boring!!" He told me. "You call yourself a Murderer, and well..." He stopped looking down at his lap then looking at the floor beside him before looking back at me. "... I'm still here.."

With an anger snarl, I go to him, yanking on his hair forcing him to look at me. With the strength in which I tugged on his hair, I actually made him cringe.

"You are just begging for this, aren't you?" I start. "I would like to warn you that any chance of you living now is gone." I continue not wanting him to speak.

Though, he only looked at me.

"If you value your life at all, maybe we can make a little deal, but if you don't, I will make you Suffer!" I snarl at him.

The young musician only looked at me then sighed... "I'm so scared..."

That's it!

Fighting any urge to keep him alive, I grab the freshly sharpened blade off the table next to him, driving it in to his abdomen.

He actually made a quiet squeak, and finally cringed as I kept the blade there.

I could care less if he's bleeding...

With my hand still in his hair, and his fading gaze still on me, I only look at him, as he remained silent.

I could see the light fade from the young musicians brown eyes. His eye contact was failing and he was struggling to look at me.

After a good silent two minutes, I pull the knife out of his abdomen, barely getting any movement from him.

The only thing, I truly noticed was him bleeding badly. Its what he deserves..

After another minute, I let go of his hair, letting his head fall. His entire body fell limp, but he was still sitting up due to the way I have him tied, but he looked slumped in the chair.

Patiently, I pull up on his hair away, only to let go again.. Once again, he fell limp.

"I told you I'd make you suffer young Nathan.." I whispered, moving closer to him.

His shirt was stained in the front by his own blood. Getting closer to the young musician, I smile with the feeling of making progress.

Now, getting up, I make my way out of the room with that thought fresh in my mind.

He's still breathing... 

Final Hour (NateWantsToBattle & MatPat)Where stories live. Discover now