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I opened my eyes, seeing nothing but darkness.

Looking around, I sigh realizing that our plan worked.

Now, all I have to do is find what I came here for, and leave before anyone finds me.

Getting up, I notice something strange about this room.

I have a strange feeling about this room. I feel as if someone died here.

No... Multiple people have died here.

The smell of dead people is strong here.

Pulling the flashlight out of my pocket. Looking around, I see a pile.

A pile of what?

Gettinf closer, I see what appears to be dead bodies.. All the faces of the bodies were burned. I couldn't even make them out if I wanted to. I looked at them, looking for a certain jacket in the mix..

It makes me wonder if Nate is even here...

After a minute I scanning, I see no trace of anything.

With a sigh, I shine the light in the other direction, seeing a hallway.

This place is quite large.

I decided to start walking, shining the light around.

The walls were covered in blood, and there were holes in the wall.

By the looks of it, no one is here. I could be in the wrong building, for all I know..

I doubt Nate is here.

Even if he was, it's going to be impossible to find him here.

As I kept walkng, I freeze as I hear voices. Pulling against the wall, I carefully listen to what was said.

"We have him?" One asked,

"Yeah, he's here. There's no way he could leave." Another one answered.

"What about the other one?"

"Oh, he won't bother us." The first one said.


"He won't bother us ever again."

The other one? Is that Nate?

So, he is here...

The only question is, where?

After at least 5 minutes, the voices died, and I was free to wander.

I found a flight of stairs, and made my way down them.

After I walked down the stairs, I wondered on that floor until I found a door. I found a room.

There are lights on in that room. Carefully, I open the door, seeing no one around.

There were two Flood lights on, pointed to the centre of the room, though they aren't bright.

The room had a dark bluish red tinge to it.

Looking to my left, I see a table a small table near a Tri-Pod. On the table was a lone laptop, with a bunch of wires attached to it. The wires were connected to a camera which was mounted to the Tri-Pod.

Weird.. Why would there be --

Something in the middle of the room caught my attention. A chair... Someone was in the chair. A limp figure.

Walking over to them, I see that they aren't breathing. They were slumped in the chair, and their head was down. Looking it over, I notice that their hands were bound behind the chair by rope.

Are they dead?


They are breathing.

Though, it's hard to see from a distance.

I could see the slow and faint rise and fall of the persons chest and I could barely hear them. I noticed that this person was covered in blood, and bruises. Blood was stained near this persons abdomen, and, some gashes were covering their arms.

Wait.. I recongnize this.. That shirt.. Is this.. No.

I felt myself searching this person frantly.

There it is, I can barely see it, but it's a tattoo.. Though I can't make it out, I take a deep breath, lifting the persons head.

I couldn't believe it.

Under all the bruises and blood, I openly recongnized the person I've been looking for.


Final Hour (NateWantsToBattle & MatPat)Where stories live. Discover now