And what was it that Harry was doing? He was rescuing him.

Draco braced himself on the wall, having a sudden ounce of split second courage for himself. Heaving his body up was a monumental effort, but he slowly managed. He was scared, of course he was, but he could at least try and do this, if not for himself, for Harry. He always seemed to be his saviour, his knight in shining armour.

The tears in his eyes ebbed away slowly, but the tracks on his cheeks were still fresh, and his chest was overflowing with emotional discomfort. His skin felt hot as he stood, shaky on his legs. His blonde hair was tousled, messy from his beanie that was on the floor, and his clothes were askew from his attackers. 

Draco still stood, sort of proud that he had made it this far, even though all he wanted to do was hide from everyone. "Fuck you," his voice was weak, hoarse from crying out earlier. 

Harry, who was seconds away from going animalistic, turned around to look at Draco, confused by his actions. Draco could see Terry and Cormac backed against the wall, stunned and frightened, snivelling like their lives depended on it. 

With clenched hands and a heavy pounding heart, Draco said it again. "Fuck you. Fuck you, Terry. Fuck you, Cormac," his mouth was dry, and he felt ready to drop and cry again, but there was the tiniest bit of amusement in his stomach, like butterflies, "f-fuck you for what you did to me."

When he looked to Harry, he found that the boy was already looking at him with admiration and adoration. It took a second, but Harry moved from his spot to where Draco was, cupping the blonde's face gently in his hands, caressing the apples of his boy's cheeks with his thumbs. 

His green eyes were gentle, holding no trace of the malice or anger that was in them before. "I am so proud of you. So proud." He brought his lips to Draco's forehead to press them together in a soft kiss. "Please, don't watch whatever I'm about to do," he begged quietly, "I don't want you to see that."

Before Draco could get in a word, Harry was gone from next to him and was suddenly on the other side of the hallway, towering menacingly in front of Terry and Cormac. And then, Harry was staring back at him, eyes pleading for him not to watch whatever Harry was about to do.

Harry turned back to the inane cowards quivering before him and felt the rage leap back into action at the mere thought of what they did to his Draco.  With the fury of his anger, he swung a fist and watch as it collided with Cormac's face. "I always knew you were a rotten egg," he hissed, shaking out the pain the radiated up his arm from the hit, "and in Gryffindor no less, although, all houses have snakes."

In the second that he had finished talking, Harry grabbed Terry by the collar of his sweater and dragged him forward, so that they were face to face. They were so close that Terry could see the storm in Harry's eyes, the white hot rage that plagued his body, and Terry suddenly regret even thinking about Draco. 

And then he was let go, flying backwards through the air and slamming into the stone wall. "Even the precious smarts of Ravenclaw." What sounded like a snarl came from Harry's mouth. He was panting, his chest heaving, sweat starting to form on his forehead. His hair looked as if his hands had been through it a few times, but not yet was he ready to give up.

"How dumb do you have to be to pull shit like that again? Especially on him?" Harry fumed, ready to pummel them a second time. Draco, for all of his life, had been dealt shitty hands. He had been taken advantage of, not appreciated, rejected, and hated. Then suddenly, he's a wizard, and the golden boy who lived. People 'appreciated' him, but they didn't appreciate him, just his status.

Looking Beyond The Lies (Drarry) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now