"Ma?" Malcolm's voice is barely above a whisper.

She jumps and looks up at him, quickly wiping her eyes and nose. "Malcolm, w-what are you doing here?" She stutters trying to pull herself together.

Malcolm offers her a hand and pulls her to her feet. "Stomach ache," he replies taking in her clothes. She's wearing an over sized t-shirt with ripped jeans and a sloppy hoodie, which is weird compared to how nice she usually dresses. "Did you go to work today?"

His mother shakes her head, "No I had some errands to run." She tells him.

"Like what?" His eyes wander over to the bed where a stack of papers lay, some of them looking like they came from the bank. His mother snatches up the papers quickly before he can read them and stuffs them into a drawer on her dresser. Malcolm blinks, "Ma if you and dad need some help with money me and Ty can get a job or something, Sevyn too."

His mother grabs a pair of shoes off the floor and stuffs her feet into them shaking her head. "No, you're young I don't want you working. And what did I tell you about sticking your big nose into grown folks business. Me and your father are handling things just fine."

"Yeah? Well by the way y'all argue everyday and keep away from each other tells me other wise." Malcolm snaps at her with an attitude. "What is going on ma? Something ain't right in this house."

"Malcolm just let it go."

"No! Y'all are our parents and we deserve to know if something is wrong."

His mother glares at him, "Malcolm..."

"I'm sick and tired of y'all keeping us in the dark. And Im damn sure tired of hearing y'all go back and forth at night when I'm trying to sleep. What the hell is---"

He's cut off by his mother slapping him. His words die in his throat and he stares at her like he doesn't know who she is. His mothers eyes are dark pits as she glares at him, "Did you forget who I am? I am not your little hoodrat friends from the street I am your mother and you will not talk to me that way." She says pointing her finger in his face. "Now you listen and listen real good Malcolm. I am the adult and you are the child, if I find it necessary to tell you about me and your fathers disputes then I will but for know you will pretend like everything's just fine. Do you understand me?"

Malcolm licks his lips and puts his hands in his pockets. His mother crosses her arms and arches her brow, "I know you're not testing me. I said are we clear!?"

"Yes ma'am," he mutters.

"I expect this kind of behavior from Ty, I don't know what's gotten in to you." She says grabbing her purse. "I'm heading over to Lorraine's house for a little while. Get some rest and drink some tea or something."

Malcolm sighs as she walks past him out the room. He follows her and gives her a wave goodbye as she goes down stairs. He walks into his room and flops down face first on to the bed. He listens as his mother walks to her car and backs out of the driveway. His stomach flips again and he sucks in a deep breath to keep from throwing up. Feeling exhausted, he lets sleep take over his body.

"Aye nigga!" Malcolm is woken up by loud mouthed Ty barging into his room. "How you leave school and leave a nigga without a ride to get home? I had to take the funky ass bus."

"I don't feel good man, shut up." Malcolm groans, putting a pillow over his face.

Ty sucks his teeth, "Shut up, you complaining like a female. Mom and dad aren't here let's raid the basement for drinks."

"Nah man my stomach is messed up," Malcolm says then realizes what Ty just said. He sits up and looks at him, "Hold up, mom and dad aren't here. Where's Sevyn?"

Nobody's Business (BOOK ONE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ