Yurii x reader

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Oh yeaaaaa yuriii on iceeeeeeeeeeeee and guys guys what should I give my boyfriend for hisss b dayyy hellp
Yuri's POV
I walked to the ice, there was a boy skating. He looked very feminine... And kind of attractive.

~~~days pass and it was the semifinals~~~

I walked over to a boy with (h/c) that reached his shoulders he had a hoodie. I sat down besides him. "Um hey" "hey" he said with a smile and I slightly feminine voice. "You'r (your name in boy version?) right?" "Yea I'm (y/n)- I mean (y/b/n) hehe" (y/b/n) said with a grin. "Mmm"

Your POV
Mmm Yuri...such a hot boy...oiii oiii (y/n) concentrate!!!
"Good luck out there" he smiles and goes away, it was almost time for him to go in the ice.

~~~le time skip after his turn and it was time for your turn~~~

Your coach did knew you were a girl but he decided to not tell...after all he was your best friend.
Your were skating to the song "idk"
As the song started you got into position, bla bla bla dance skate bla
You were breathing heavily after you finished dancing and your best friend was no were to be found...
You got out of the ice and ran to the bathroom after changing, Yuri ram after you as he saw you. Victor was to busy with the reporters.

"(Y/b/n)?" "G-go away..." You said with a weak voice. Yuri's eyes widen as he remembered himself in this same place. A small smile formed on his face as he got into the stall. He immediately hugged you and said "it's okay". After a while you got better and both walked out of the stall, as you were walking out he took your hand and intertwined it with yours. A dark blush was visible in you'r cheeks.
"Um what's wrong (y/b/n)" he took your face with his free hand and got you both close.  "Um.. I-I got something to tell you...you can't tell anyone tho...I-I'm a girl...." Yuri blushed 50 shades darker. "U-um well...your really pretty...-a i mean-lets goooo"
The reporters got all over you guys, after getting your score you went with yuri and victor to eat.
You got ready but decided to let your feminine side out...so you put a dress on. It was pastel pink with blue water colored flowers.

Yuri got there first and victor started asking him lots of questions. "So now you're gonna change me for hiiim T~T"
You walked in and saw them so you walked over, "h-hi" Yuri's and Victors eyes widen as they saw you

Yuri and you were walking around the streets and stopped by the side of a bridge. He then looked at you and got close. He then kissed you and you kissed back "s-sorry I didn't mea-" he was cut of by you kissing him again

~~the ennddd~~~

Well thats all for today my unicorns byeee

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