Karma x reader

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(Y/n) POV
I sat at the end of the classroom in science class, our last class. I always sat with Karma, the sits were together like in some schools. That day Koro-sensei was giving out the test results of that class.

"You did great as always, you got 10!" Okuda walked away with a face of achievement.
" 8, you could have done much better (y/n)-san" koro sensei said with ''o" on his face. "Karma-kun...5" Karma's eyes went wide, it was his first ever F on a test. And I as his girlfriend had to do something to make him smile. Koro sensei kept giving people their grades, and when he finished he started to explain the topic of the day.
"Oii Karmaa"
I pinched his cheek making him smile by my action. When I turn around koro sensei is staring at us with a blank face, and the hole classroom too. "Soo as i said..." Koro sensei continued. "Oi, (y/n) you know that's not gonna make things better" "mhe"

~tiiime skkkiiip to after schooool~
Author's POV

You were walking down to a caffe after school with Karma, you were holding hands, but them you suddenly stopped, looking down.

"Karma...you know you can't let a grade take you down, I believe you can do better and you will"
"(Y/n) that's sweet, but you know I'm still not studying"
"If you're not studying then I'm ignoring you"
"Wh-what whyyy"
"..." Karma hugged you trying to make you look at him but failed
You got to the cafe and before entering he stopped, looked at the sky with his usual bored expression "oi (y/n) i will"
"I will study"
"Kyaay" you ran to him hugging him. "Im really happy you do, I don't like seeing you sad" you then let go giving him a peck on the lips and walking in.


My unicorns, i know, i know, I hadn't updated in a taco eternity. Im trash /-\ I'm really sorry again. Im going to try to make a schedule and also do a Mehara x reader, i owe you unicorns that.

Pleas read ^\\^
Guys guys I'll be starting a new book, its not anime related but I still wanted to see if you guys would want to read it. The book's about how different people fall in love with death, they are completely different persons with completely different ages, but they have one thing in common and its that they all fell in love with death. If you would like to read it you can go to my profile and look for it in the books I've made hope you unicorns like it ^\\\\^ <3

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