30 (final)

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''Based on psychology study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds then you are already in love,''


I heard growling and stomping, and my mind immediately told me something was wrong. I peered through the kitchen to the staircase only to see Asher rush down the stairs. He looked around annoyed, "Asher?"

"That guy is the true definition of annoying," he says pointing to the staircase, referring to Aaron who's upstairs in bed with, you know who.

"Did you storm in on them?" I laughed, popping a cherry in my mouth. He raised his eyebrows, "His mother has a doctor appointment, why is it so hard to wake him up?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, may-" before I can finish my sentence, Aaron comes walking down the stairs in a pair of blue pj-shorts, a blue t-shirt and his maroon morning gown. None of those clothes belonged to me, so he must've been home or left some close in Katie's room.

Asher was already out the door when Aaron exclaimed, "Let's go buddy,"

Aaron was about to leave to when I stopped him. "You forgetting something?"

There was no way he would leave the house dressed like that.

Aaron stood still, not responding, his mind wandering around to what he could've possibly forgotten. Something hit him, and he snapped his finger in realisation. "My keys,"

Basically, this time, I didn't refrain myself from face palming myself because how can someone actually be that oblivious and stupid. Aaron saluted me and chirped out the door like a little morning bird.

I turn around to continue with my cooking when a loud scream waves through the entire house. I almost slip on a piece of paper on the floor to run upstairs to check up on Katie. I run down the hallway until I reach Katie's room and I'm almost out of breath at this point. The whole world is turning around and I'm trying really hard to keep my legs steady to the floor.

When I finally recover, my eyes scan the room only to find Katie still in bed, smiling. I narrow my eyes at her, my breathing slowly decreasing. ''Why did you scream?''

''Can you get me some water?''

Fuming with anger, I can now understand what Asher felt towards Aaron earlier. The two of them were meant to be together because they're both the same person with different genders. ''THAT DOES IT!'' I cry, jumping on the bed. I remove the blankets off her, not even caring if she was naked or not (which luckily she wasn't), and using a pillow to hit her several times before dragging her out of bed.

She must've been insane because she was laughing through the entire thing. I dragged her all the way downstairs and when I finally reached the tap in the kitchen, I let her go and pointed at the running sink. ''Water.''

''Yeah water, Crystal. Anything else you want to point out that I didn't already know,''

Out of annoyance, I picked a banana from the island and squeezed it. Katie laughed and winked at me as she walked away leaving the water tap up of course.

Two weeks later and this is what my life has come to. An annoying best friend that lives with me, who has an annoying boyfriend that came along. But to be quite frank, I wouldn't replace my life with anyone else. I'm healthy, I'm surrounded with people that loves me and that I love and there's no worries in my life, and having Asher by my side made things even better.

He is in fact my grade 11 crush.

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