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He puts me through hell and I call it love.

Chapter five.

If you saw the look on my face when I saw Katie and compared it to Asher's & Aaron's look when they saw Katie, it wouldn't even come close to same. Trust me, theirs were so much more...annoyed. It took an idiot to not see their annoyance fuming from every corner.
"What does she want now?" Asher grunted.

    Katie flung the door open and entered the room with a huge grin planted on her face. I kind of felt bad for the girl for thinking she was so vulnerable and attractive but really, these guys wanted nothing with her to do. "Asher, Aaron."

"Katie," the boys said in unison with no trace of enthusiasm earning a chuckle from me. Katie shot a glare my way and I quickly adverted my eyes to my nails. "How are you on this fine day?" Katie wraps her arms around Aaron's shoulder as she strokes his cheek. It was disgusting, she was like a dog seeking for attention. She is a dog seeking for attention.

    Aaron grabs her hand slowly dragging it from his cheek. "I'm good, you?" This was nothing like pleasing for both Aaron or me. It was absolutely horrifying, why would she throw herself at boys like that. "Just perfect now that you're here."

"Oh god." I mumble to myself.

"Asher, baby." Asher's amused eyes quickly changed to horrified. He found eye contact with Aaron and they gave each other this nod that boys do. "Hey Aaron, don't we have that project to work on?"

"Yeah man, totally forgot." Aaron said, but anyone could tell they were lying. They were just trying to find an excuse to get away from me. "Crystal, you too."

As soon as Asher and Aaron left the room, the nice façade that Katie had used previously was quickly erased and she showed her true self. The Katie that I have encountered is nothing like the Katie you meet or see, this one was legit evil. ''Dumb bitch.'' She muttered, ''I told you to stay away from him.''

I put my hands up in mock surrender, ''My bad.'' I took a step closer to Katie trying to come out at least a little bit intimidating, but Katie was wearing her expensive heels that made her taller than her true height and so I looked like a puppy next to her. She smirked whilst lowering down to my height and whispered – ''You stay away; this is my final warning.'' – She shrugs her hair over her shoulders and pulls of one of those fake smiles. ''Okay, I'll see you in class. Tuddulu.'' Once she was out of the room, I mimicked her in a high pitched voice – ''Tuddulu.'' with a face that no one would want to witness.

Class would start in five minutes and I was still on the other side of the building. I grunted whilst swinging my backpack over my shoulder, preparing to look like an idiot who's running a marathon through our huge school. I made it in time luckily and I was happy to see that I had a large options of seats to take. I decided I would choose the seat in the very back of our classroom but the one next to the window so I could have a nice view over the beautiful lake at the back of our school. It was beautiful but no one was allowed to go there due to some working progress. They were planning on building something out there but I never bothered to ask or dig in information. Students started filling the classroom while I was minding my own business researching some important stuff, and by important stuff I mean kittens.

''Can I sit here?'' I almost jumped at the voice but I remained calm. The guy in front of me was the same guy you would find in magazine, he was absolutely beautiful but something about him screamed - "stay away from me!" Now wasn't the time to experiment this guy so I nodded. "Sure."

Grade11 crush | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz