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"The best relationships are the ones that you never saw coming,"


I gasped for air the minute I woke up. It felt like I had ran a marathon because of the way my heart was beating. When I realized it had just been a nightmare, my breathing slowed down and I found myself clutching my t-shirt. My hair was nearly damp from all of the sweat that had dissolved during the horrible nightmare.

Nightmares for me only happens when I felt guilty about something.

It has been exactly two days since the incident at the party, and things hasn't been better ever since that day. Asher hasn't been ignoring me, no. But he has been acting weird, or not weird - just...a little bit gone. He's not himself when he's around me, and everyone has noticed. I grabbed my phone and dialed Asher's number but there was no answer.

I called him again, but he didn't answer this time either. He was probably asleep, but there could be other reasons too. He kept denying the fact that he was mad at me, and at that time, I actually did believe him. If he's gonna be acting this way, I'd rather want him to be mad at me and yell at me - than him not talking to me at all and still claim that he's not mad at me.

The day after him seeing me with another boy went horrible. I went to his house to check up on him but he wasn't home, they told me he was at the golf field. Everyone knew that Asher didn't play golf, he just liked going there because it was relaxing and comforting. When I met up with him, he only answered me with short responses, and I didn't miss the fact that he was avoiding eye contact with me. It really broke me in the end when he told me had to leave because he had to do some errands and then later that night, I got a message from Katie saying she saw him with Aaron by the pool.

I never meant to hurt Asher, it was that guys fault. I couldn't put all the blame on him though because I should've just walked away in the start or at least tell someone, Katie for example.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep alone at this hour, so I got out of my bed and slowly headed towards Sierras room. Luckily, tonight was one of those few days that she actually slept at home. Sierra squinted her eyes as she tried to readjust them to the light that peeked through the small gap of the door. "Crystal?"

"Can I sleep here?" She frowned, "I brought a pillow." I told her, my fluffy white pillow in my arms. She stayed still for a minute before scooting over and gave me some space to sleep. I slipped into her blanket and cuddled closer to her, sierras bed was always comfortable. It was my second home.

As a child, I was really naughty so it made me feel guilty most of the times which earned me nightmares almost every single night. I ended up sleeping in Sierra's bed considering my mother was always at work, and she would never let me sleep in her bed unless I brought and extra pillow because I tend to drool when I sleep.

Not everyone is a sleeping beauty!

"Are you okay?" Sierra whispered as she stroked my chin gently. I hugged her tightly and snuggled closer, "Can we talk about it tomorrow?"

"Of course, go to sleep."


STARBUCKS, 2PM. Be there. -Xoxo Katie

I rolled out of bed, annoyed and walked over to my own room to jump in the shower. Sierra was already gone by the time I was up, probably to visit Isaac or work, something in between there.

    The house was really humid from all of the sunshine that shone through the windows. I was almost sweating a pond when I laid in bed with three blankets on top of me. It's crazy how cold it is at night and how hot it is in the day time. The shower felt really nice, and so did washing my hair after several days of leaving it like that.

Once I got out of the shower, I did my usual cleansing routine to my face to maintain a young face. I then grabbed my makeup bag and applied some makeup. I kept it minimal today because I really didn't want my eyebrows to be sweating off. I applied some light concealer to cover up my dark circles and then some powder to set it. Then some blush to compliment my rosy lips and a little product to my eyebrows. I refrained from using mascara today even though I looked naked around my eyes without them. In the summer time, I tend to itch around my eyes and If I didn't want to be a panda by the end of the day, the smartest thing for me to do was to not apply anything at all.

I put on a dark blue soccer shorts because they were comfy and an oversized hockey top, that wasn't meant for hockey at all. It was just a top from Forever21 with the hockey shirt designs, the only reason I bought it was because of the fabric. It was this type fabric that didn't make me hot, it cooled me down. Hard to explain, but when you see one - you'll know what I'm talking about.

I decided to just leave the car today and walk to Starbucks a little ahead of time. The time was only 1.21pm, I had thirty nine minutes to walk to Starbucks and that's more than enough. Since the weather was that hot today, I left my jacket at home and only picked up my wallet and a black backpack, and of course my phone.

       It was refreshing to be outside and I couldn't imagine being locked inside my black car on a hot summer day. There were so many kids playing outside today and I even received some lovely smiles and grins from parents walking by and old people.

Sometimes I admire this city just because of the nice people, but other times - I just want to run away and meet other people.

No where else feels more like home than this place.

Starbucks looked busy from afar, and I got that confirmed when I entered the doors. It took me a while before I spotted Katie, and guess who else was with her?

The A's

Asher must've not expected me to come because when he saw me, his eyes widened and his fist tightened and his jaw clenched. I felt my heart ache for him because I made him feel this way, but why did he have to be so stubborn? Things could've been better from the start if he had just let me explain properly. He never asked either, I should blame him.

I shook the thought out of my head and walked over to their table. I took the seat next to Aaron instead of the one next to Asher, because two can play this game, right? "I'll go get the drink," Asher said. He got up on his feet and walked to the cashier without even asking for our orders.

Aaron flicked my forehead out of no where which made me moan in pain. "Why did you do that?!" I cried.

"What the fuck is going on between the two of you, haven't you fixed it yet?" Aaron responded, Irritation oozing out of his words. I slammed my hand on the table and said through clenched teeth, "Look I'm not happy about this either, but the guy is not cooperating so what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, you messed up Crystal. Just fix it, I'm getting tired of him being a wall."

Katie frowned, "Wait, what?"

"He's a wall because when I talk to him, he doesn't respond, he doesn't argue, he does nothing. He just stands there, like a wall!"

I looked over to where Asher was standing, he was smiling at the cashier as he payed for the drinks. It's the smile I haven't seen for days, and it hurt that it wasn't directed to me.

I miss Asher.

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