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"A dream is a wish your heart makes,"


"I'll go check us in, meanwhile - get me something to drink - I'm so thirsty."

I nod as I grab his backpack and starts heading towards the closest 7- eleven. This airport was huge and we weren't even properly inside the airport. The voices I heard was in all languages and it was like music to my ear. Although some languages sounded oddly weird in my ears, it was still fascinating and satisfying. "Wait up!" Katie called from behind my shoulders.

I stopped abruptly and waited for her to catch up with me. Aaron was probably somewhere on the candy shop because he wasn't with Asher. There's no doubt Asher is the most responsible out of the two of them. "You weren't going to leave me alone?"

I shook my head lightly, "No, I wasn't."

Why were we at an airport, you may ask?

Well, let's rewind to yesterday.


I couldn't believe my own eyes.

My jaw clenched and my eyes hardened.

I was furious.

They took my chocolate bar.

The last chocolate bar.

I stormed into the living room seeking for the next person who's throat I would have my hands firmly around. They were all sitting there, and there I saw it. My chocolate bar in Aaron's hand. It was on its way to his mouth, and it wasn't very long until his teeth bit into the delicious chocolate. "AARON!" I screamed, waking up every dead person out there.

Each of their eyes flung to my position and all off them mirrored a confused expression except for Aaron's, his was more like being terrified. "KATIE HOLD HER," screamed Asher before I could jump over the couch and have Aaron under my grip. Katie grabbed my arms and dragged me backwards, as Asher stood in front of Aaron protecting him from the crazy person I've become.

"My chocolate!" I growled.

"Calm down, Crystal. I have an extra chocolate bar in my purse." Suddenly, I wasn't feeling so aggressive anymore. I didn't have the urge to strangle Aaron anymore. Aaron breathed heavily as I let out a smile, and Katie exhaled in relief.

"Staying inside for this long is not healthy, we need to get out," Asher commented. Aaron couldn't form any sentences because he was still in shock, so he only nodded in agreement.

"Where? It's raining dogs and cats out there," Katie replied. I took the seat next to Asher in the couch and started eating the chocolate that Katie had given me. It tasted just as good as I had imagined.

"She's right, there's no place to go in this weather. I'm sure all the roads are blocked because of the storm." This town wasn't famous for our storms but it should be because it seems like one keeps occurring once a week. I was caught off guard when Asher firmly wrapped his arms around me, "What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I got the right temperature to shelter you from the storm." He winks. I roll my eyes at him and shove him from my little circle of privacy.

"You know what I want to do now. Go on a vacation somewhere tropical and warm. Like in Asia or something,"

I beamed at Katie's statement, "Yes! Like Malaysia or something." Katie nodded, excitedly - "Yes, Malaysia!"

Aaron opened his computer and tapped away on some stuff until he looked over to us and grinned, a little creepily. "Whatchu got there,man?" Asher questioned.

"We're going to Malaysia,"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused

He turned the computer so the screen was visible to our eyes and there in front of us, was a recite on our booked flights to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tomorrow morning.

"What the fuck?" Katie snapped. "We don't have money for a trip to Malaysia, scratch that - we don't even have money for a trip to the amusement park"

"How did you buy the tickets," I looked at the confirmation on the screen and read it twice to confirm that it has been bought. "I have money, guys."

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Katie breathed out - "You're loaded."

"It's all on me, all you have to do is pack your stuff and maybe if you have, bring a little extra cash."

Leave it to me to find myself the type of best friend to book four people a trip on the other side of the world.


There were plasma screens of arrival and departure times on the wall of the airport. People were line up at the check in desk with suitcases and baggage. Going through the securities has been one of my fears ever since I was younger and as we were inching closer, I felt my breath increase more and more. Asher placed a warm touch to my shoulder, ''You good?''

I smiled, ''Yeah, fine.'

''You sure, you look awfully pale.'' Aaron avowed which earned one of those death punches from Katie. She whispered something in his ear and his face reflected the expression of someone who had just witnessed a ghost. Aaron quickened in front of us and avoided eye contact with me. ''What did you tell him?'' I asked. Katie raised her shoulders.

''Don't worry about it,''

Eventually, we reached the start line of the security check in. It went faster than I thought even if the line was quite long. I placed my bag on the bag checker escalator thing, I don't know what they call it – I took off my bracelets and phones and passport and everything I had on me because I did not want to be checked by some creepy security guy.

With a beating heart, I started stepping forward. I could've sworn the security in front of me was just waiting for it to beep. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt, nervously. I was crossing the machine now and it surprised me that it wasn't beeping. I managed to walk through the machine without a single sound coming out of it, and for once – I felt like I had succeeded in life.

I must've walked really slow because Asher pushed me slightly while whispering, ''Hurry up, grandma. We have a plane to reach.''

We rushed to our gate after the security check to reach our plane. We only had thirty minutes on us and our gate was on the other terminal.

Why did this airport have to be so big?

We reached the gate on the last roll call and quickly found our seats in the plane. Each row had nine seats but it was separated in three. Aaron insisted he would take the single seat for himself, basically the seat that isn't attached to ours. He told us that he's only taking it because he's not a heavy sleeper so no one would have to wake him up for food, but I think the real reason is because there was a really hot or more of a cute girl, right next to his seat.

Boy, you're getting nothing tonight.

Katie took the seat next to the window, I took the middle seat because I'm the least annoying sleeper of the three of us, and Asher took the outer seat because he's taller than us and needs his space when he needs to go to the bathroom.

I'm really short so it wasn't a problem for me to fit in the seats but Katie and Asher on the other hand. Let's just say the people in front of us wouldn't be so happy with the constant kicking that they can't control. ''I'm so tired,''

''Well, that's what you have my shoulder for.'' Asher responded while patting his shoulder. I leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes, ''Is this really happening?''

''It is,''

I really can't remember the last time I went on a vacation and especially not on the other side of the world. I didn't look at this as a runaway from all the rain and the horrible things that I could find back home, but more like quality time with the ones that I'm positive I'll have in my life in the future.

I'm really going to Malaysia.

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