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It's weird looking back at who I started high school and who I'm with now.

Chapter two.

"That's perfectly normal," I never hated my class, nor did I hate my classmates. Actually, our class had a pretty nice environment, I just chose not to be a part of it. I tried hanging with each and everyone of these people but none of them felt like real friends to me, nor friends that I'd spend my school year with. That meant that I was pretty much alone for the rest of the school year, not that I minded but sometimes, it feels good to have someone by your side.

In class, I mean.

"What is?" Emily, one of the least annoying girls in my class asked.

"Being cold on your feet, maybe you should use better shoes than those with holes in them." Katie barked, making me flick my gaze to my shoes that sure was dirty and had holes in them but these were my favorite dance shoes.

"Are you lips chapped or is it lipstick?" I arch my eyebrow at her but seeing that she wouldn't budge, I placed a fake a smile on my face and lied. "Lipstick."

She snorts, "Figures," her eyes traced something behind me and she quickly fixed her hair and straightened her posture. "It's Asher, do I look good?"

You look horrible.

"Yeah, who's Asher?" I lied, once again.

"Hottest guy in this school." Emily replied.

"And you have a crush on him?" I turned my attention to Katie, "No, but I don't want to come out as a total freak."

She has a crush on him.

          "Well, say hi to Asher for me, because I have to finish painting the wall" it was my turn to do school service and this months service was painting our school logo on the white wall in the art room. Our school had set up this thing that every student of each class had to do school service, two students, each week. I was chosen this week and of course I had to get the hardest part.


Let me tell you something, I'm  5'3 - I could barely reach the upper shelf in my room, how was I supposed to paint an entire wall? Crossing my fingers that this other person working with me was tall.

Taller than me.

       Having the art teacher draw in the logo for me made everything easier. Now all I had to do was paint inside the lines. I was still alone and I was worried the other one wouldn't show up. The good thing about school service is that you can miss classes and still get a grade. You get to retake all essays and test, and it was a plus plus.

I was about to start painting when I noticed the blinds of this room dropped and made the entire room super dark. I jumped up attempting to reach the rope but it was way out of my reach. My feet started to hurt from jumping, so I gave up. Suddenly the blinds started raising upwards and light entered the room.

I guess the other one came.

Maybe I should stop calling the other one, the other one.


"You know my name?"


       "Just a wild guess," I blurted out. I just met Asher, I didn't want him to think I was a complete freak. Wow that sentence sounds familiar?

"Okay, fair enough. But what's not fair is that I don't know your name." I chuckled,

"Well, we're probably not gonna meet each other after this so why bother knowing it?" Asher stretches back the hand that he reached out to me and I felt guilty for being so rude but I'm not about to give out my name to him anytime soon. For all I know, he could spread horrible rumors about me since he in fact, was in the popular circle.

"Alright, feisty." He grabbed one of the buckets of paint from the cabinet and walked over to the huge wall. The good thing about Asher being here is that he's tall, a lot taller than me, so he could take care of the tall spots - while I go for the lower spots.

        "What grade are you in?"

"What grade are you in?" I retort. I guess it's kinda obvious we would make a conversation, we couldn't just paint in silence. That would've been even awkward and boys - they just don't work like that. I wouldn't call myself an awkward person either, I'm actually really social if I meet the right people that can spark up my mood. If your jokes comes close to "are you guys all right? No you guys are all left." Then don't even bother speaking to me, that is unless you don't mind me being awkwardly boring around you.

"Grade 11."

"You are?"


"Me too," I chuckle. From his looks, he sort of looked like someone in grade 12 or 13. Never thought he would've been at my age. If you guys wonder how Asher looks like, then imagine a guy who's perfectly fit, tall (6'0/6'1), got a nice style and dark brown hair with fair skin. I had to admit his voice was soothing as well and hearing him laugh was like music to my ears. Too bad he's a jerk.

From what I've heard from eavesdropping, Asher was rich, rude and blackmailed everyone who tried to come near him and his squad. It sounded horrifying, really - that's why I didn't want anything with him to do. But when someone offers you help, or is sent to help you - you accept it. This is the reason to why I'm talking to him right now. "I've never seen you around,"

    "Yeah, I don't come out much." I admit. I wasn't afraid of admitting it, but it did hurt me when people don't ask. "Why?"

"This is kinda weird to admit, but I don't really have anyone here. I have one, but we barely meet each other so I prefer to stay in my classroom and watch friends or something."

"You watch friends?" He asked, shocked.

  "Of course."

"Wow, gotta admit that's attractive. Haven't met one girl from this school that watches friends." What to expect from a school like this one. Girls here isn't what you exactly call, cool? All they talk about is makeup, shopping and hot guys. I mean, I'm all about that too - I'm not that weird nerd in class that doesn't know how to apply lipstick, I guess I'm similar to them. But instead of high end clothes, I tend to go for H&M or Forever21.

       "Hey, help me here for a sec." Asher asks me. He was currently on latter so he could reach the highest part of this logo, the bucket hanging unsafely on the edge.

"Okay," I get up from my knees and walk next to latter. Instead of looking at me, his attention is focused on the outer lines of the logo. Our principal specifically said that there should not be a single paint stain outside the line so we had to be precise - if we had to use thin brushes or even our hair strands - so be it. "I don't think that's very safe, Asher." I tell him as I keep my eye on the wobbling bucket of blue paint.

"Nah, I got it." He assures but he doesn't - the latter wobbles as Asher moves and the bucket starts falling towards me. Last thing I hear before the entire bucket of blue paint falls on top of me is Asher's voice saying, "Never mind, I don't have it."

Yeah you're right about that one.

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