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Does love change? I think rather than love changing, it's more like the people that change.


"I still don't get why you had to wake me up with that song," I took a slurp of my lemonade and already felt better. Those two hours of sleep that we got made me feel better than no sleep at all. I fell asleep instantly in Asher's arms, it was like magic. His arms, I mean. I wasn't that happy to be woken up with an Indian song blasting to my ear. Apparently, Asher had this weird interest in Indian songs so he knew every word to that song, "C'mon, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi is like my favorite movie of all time and the song (Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai) wasn't horrible."

He was right, the song was actually kind of catchy. Mental note to myself : add the song to my playlist.

We were currently sitting on one of the booths at a restaurant or a diner called Groovy. It was currently 07.21am Saturday morning, and town was quiet and empty. Obviously people was still sleeping, or having breakfast - meanwhile, me and Asher was eating breakfast at a diner because our parents were bad enough to not make food for their own kids.

Someone would've thought that me realizing my feelings towards Asher would make me awkward, but if anything, it made me more confident. After all this time, I've just been myself and Asher has befriended me for that reason. That means that he liked me for who I was and I don't have to try to be someone I'm not.

     I admired the view of Asher just woken up state, he looked even more adorable in his messy hair & his hoodie. He was adorably trying to squeeze out the maple syrup out of the tube to apply to his pancakes, his tongue stuck out like a little kid as he concentrated to press out what was left. "Do you need help?" I asked, he looked up at me like a lost child shaking his head. After managing to squeeze out some to his pancakes, he grabbed his knife and started cutting the pancake and popping it into his mouth savoring the taste that came along. "Heaven on earth."

He's so cute. "You eat like a pig." I exclaimed making him pull out his tongue. Was this some type of thing, boys act adorable like a little child in the morning and then cocky like a teenage boy in the afternoon? It was obvious that he was still just a little bit sleepy, but I wish that this personality would stay with him for the rest of the day...maybe even the rest of the year. I grabbed my lemonade and was taking a slurp when Asher blurred out, "you're cute when you are asleep," I almost choked on the drink.

Asher reached over the table and gave me pats on my back. After managing to breath properly and swallow my drink, Asher looked at me amused. "Did I catch you off guard?"

You always do, "No, I drank too fast." I lied.

"Take care of yourself, Crystal." He said it so serious that I thought he meant it for a second, but then I captured the cute smile on his lips and his eyebrows wiggling teasingly - then he acted out when I was choking earlier obviously teasing me which earned a slap to his shoulder - more like a hit to his shoulder. "Stop it!"

Asher laughed wholeheartedly. Never knew someone's laugh could make me so happy.

Asher makes me happy.

After we finished our breakfast, Asher wanted to show me something cool. Whatever it was, it sure had him hyped. "Where are we going?"

"You should try stop asking, Crystal" he called pushing me lightly not strong enough to make me stumble. I rolled my eyes but followed him regardless. We were walking up a hill and it was starting to get heavy. Eventually we reached the top and the view was absolutely breath taking. Asher sat down at the grass in front of the cliff and enjoyed the view over our city. Our town looked better from this point of view. "Wow,"

Grade11 crush | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon