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"Wear your heart up on your sleeves, watch out for pickpockets,"


If you have ever experienced heartbreak, you'll know how much it hurts you. It doesn't matter who it's from, every heartbreak is the same because like it says in the name, it breaks your heart. You need your heart to live so no matter how much you want shove everything away, you still have to try to get the pieces back together by acting okay and hoping that someday it will be complete again.

First time is already bad.

Try being heartbroken twice.

If it was anyone else, I would've been over it in about two weeks, but this isn't just anyone. It's the boy that I'm slowly falling for, and still dangerously falling.

I looked out of the car window and my mind wondered back to the three of them back at the hotel. I wonder if they found out already. I mean, considering it's already been 24 hours, they probably have unless they're blind. They're probably enjoying their last day in Kuala Lumpur perfectly fine without me. "Are you going to talk to me?" Sierra's voice ask through the silence.

"Do I have to?" I respond, avoiding eye contact.

When I called Sierra to pick me up from the airport at 3am in the morning, she was hesitant in hearing what I had to say but when I ignored her question and found my seat in the passenger seat instantly, she confirmed something was wrong.

I spotted our house from afar and felt that warm feeling in your stomach when you finally realize you're home. It's nice to be on a vacation but nothing is better than home. "If you don't tell me, Crystal. I'm going to call Asher and ask him," Sierra pulled into our driveway and I quickly got out of the car not responding to her statement.

If I told her I knew she would call Asher. I was raised well and so was Sierra, I knew that it didn't matter if I wanted to talk to Asher or not, calling them to let them know I'm okay was the smartest thing to do. I'm sure Aaron is freaking out and Katie has left me bunches of text messages that I've ignored.

I took a seat at the couch the minute I got in and fished my phone up from my pocket. My battery percent was at 7% and as soon as I got connected to the wifi, my notifications blew up from all three of them.


Can you please pick up your phone?

I'm sorry, Crystal.

I deserve everything bad but you has got to let me know if you are okay!

Crystal, please. Where are you?

Yell at me, cry, curse, I don't care, you need to answer your phone and I need to hear your voice so I know you're okay!



Where are you???

Answer me!!

What is this letter you left me! You cant be one the flight home!

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